I'm a maiden and the last of my family. I plan to venture into the lands of dragons to escape the cruelty to which humans are so prone.
From Create Your Own Story
You are a tall blonde maiden of 18 with large light blue eyes that could "charm a snake". At least that was what you were told by your family's murder on that cold December night 8 years ago. You shiver slightly as the wind picks up and you move your hand to your back to feel the scar from that fateful night. Since then you have lived with your Aunt and your 2 male cousins, who went to great lengths to make your life even more miserable than it all ready was. But that is besides the point because today you are finally old enough to leave all of that behind you, and you've decided you've had enough to do with the human species as a whole. You have packed your clothes and some essentials such as food, water, and blankets and are about to start your trek into dragon territory. Not the safest of places, of course, but there is very little chance that you will be running into any humans any time soon and besides you'd rather die as dragon's food than on the whim of a fickle human.
You start into the dense forest wondering what lies ahead. 'Whatever it is, it's got to be better than what I'm leaving behind' you think to your self as you take your first steps. Its the beginning of March and while winter is nearing its end there is still quite a nip in the air. After a long day of walking its beginning to get dark and the air feels thick. 'There's a storm coming. I should find shelter.' You think to yourself. There are some hills to your right that look like it might have some caves chiseled into it, then again it might be more prudent to sleep in a tree where less wildlife can reach you.
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