Tell her you will pay for a movie

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:44, 27 November 2013 by Credil (Talk | contribs)

You can hardly afford to treat Jeniffer to a movie, you just lost your job, and since it was the last place in the whole town, that offered a job, for such a ugly loser, like yourself and therefor you will probably need every cent for your own survial soon or later, but you convince yourself that ehe desserves it, since was the first and only person, that every gave you the feeling to be loved, well it only lasted a few hours, but it wasn‘t her fault.

So you tell her. "Okay, I will pay for the movie, it is the least, I can do for you, after all these years."

You two slowly walk to a nearby cinema, where you buy two tickets for what seems to be a romantict comedy, a large Coke and a large portion Popcorn for Jeniffer, which she seems to guess as a sign that you are tight on money, as she kiss lightly on your cheeks.

As the movie with the strage titel "The ugly dude never gets a chick." starts you quickly discover that apparently some old classmate or your's had the nerves to use your pathetic life as story for the movie. It starts with your birth then goes over to the all the teasing you weht through during pre- and groundschool. So far Jeniffer doesnt seems to habe noticied, that the Main Charcter is baesd or you, she only humbles that the Main character doesnt desserves his cruel fate ,but you know that she will find out, soon. You have to decide your next action very quickly.

What do you do?

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