Possess your partner

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:46, 27 November 2012 by Terrus (Talk | contribs)

You take control of the busty Latina woman and immediately feel a wave of pleasure from her such that she gasps involuntarily. That's strange...there's never been that reaction to you taking a body. You quickly investigate this body. Your name is Consuela Ann-Marie, but your friends and coworkers call you Connie or Con. Con is Puerto Rican, with a dark healthy complexion, 5'3" and 36D-27-36 hourglass figure, which you love to show off at every opportunity. The most interesting part you find barely on the surface of her mind, however...she's completely and totally sexually depraved. A corrupt cop through and through, she has accepted bribes from a wide variety of perpetrators in the form of sexual favors and all manner of drugs and contraband. She also has ties with the Latin Kings and has sold runaways to Russian human traffickers. If you weren't a malevolent spirit intent on spreading chaos, you would marry this woman. As it is...she may be your perfect vessel.

There's a scream and you look up to find your partner Robbie's look of horrified shock as he comes to and finds the situation he's in. A young, suburbanite woman is bent over the hood of his patrol car with his handcuffs on her and his dick inside her as she continues to scream and sob. He backs away, not knowing what to do. The horror continues to grow on his face. He looks up at you and chokes out, "Con...what's going on? I don't know..."

You easily flick your wrist and send the business end of the baton into his engorged balls at full speed. He doesn't fall so much as crumple into a heap, barely conscious. You quickly pull out your handcuff keys and release the woman, who clutches at you still crying.

Do you:

You are possessing:
Latina Police Officer
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