User talk:Chlo's-closet

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:05, 14 February 2012 by Zoroastra (Talk | contribs)

Please make sure to include the title of the story as a category on each page you post. If you don't know how to add categories, please review the Tutorial, especially Basic page format.--Platypus 10:26, 31 January 2012 (UTC)

It's nice to see someone else who cares about things like proper spelling. If you want to take over Minotaur's Laberynth, I'll move it. As sysop, I can move pages. Ordinary users can't. But generally speaking, if a writer misspells his page title, I'll leave it as a warning to the readers that this is the skill level of said writer. --Platypus 14:31, 2 February 2012 (UTC)

Those database error messages pop up on occasion. You usually don't have to do anything more than wait a moment and try again. --Platypus 16:19, 4 February 2012 (UTC)

Conversations with Zoroastra

yeah, the -th- and -ll- I m never entirely certain on how to spell ^^, I hope it'll be somewhat better since I actually updated my spelling corrector to English (was using a quite useless dutch spelling corrector so far..

P.S. Please do not edit parameter-names without editing the template or it will show between brackets {{{}}}

-edited template so visible 'possessions:' is spelled correctly, parameters still spelled faulty but would have to be changed on EVERY page as well as the template - might do so if I have the time, not right now. Hint : only change parameter values, not names(parameter names aren't visible anyway)

- I really liked the new character Lord Ruairi, he sounds different from any characters I make somehow.

yea, I'm just figuring out things as I go too ^^, only been about 20 days since I started writing this story.

the original idea was to leave for the suitor immediately, tho I've only gotten side-tracked alot so far xp


-This is just a personal preference but, I think it's a good idea to avoid copy-pasting in its entirety, make subtle differences such as :

light dress : you might feel more like taking a horse than the slow carriage

Heavy dress : You can hardly ride a horse in this getup so..

Silky Dress : you can go either way, but they'd probably rather see you get into the carriage since you actually look like a woman for a change. (allows for an extra choice page you don't have in the other two options)

Just to avoid repetition, if someone wants to read another side of the story and starts over with other options, but sees only completely identical pages, they probably won't read it to the point where it actually starts making a difference. Offcourse the bulk of it is still copy-pasted :-)

Stuff like tripping over the heavy dress because you aren't used to it, or getting embarrassed about people looking at you in the silky dress is always a nice bonus, just add or edit a few lines of text.


-updated The monetary system (gold, silver, copper instead of gold only) three different parameter values for the currencies.

-fixed the spelling of 'possessions' parameter name(should be finished now)

P.S. it might be easier to just pick one option for now, and write the other options later or leave them to someone else. Thats what I've been doing mostly. There's no need to write all options at once. Also, asking people to pick the right code there looks a little.. improvised xp.


Possesions is what you own but aren't carrying on you, Example : Saya's katana is on her horse or in the carriage, but she isn't walking around with it unless you go for the leather armor. You can't use these possessions without going back to where they're stored. Equipment is what you have on you ready to use at any time.

-basically : your wallet's normally equipment, but if you forget your wallet at home, it becomes a possession xp

P.S. I also think it's a funny idea to mention it under equipment if you're tied up or caught in something, tho thats just a personal preference.


-Got an idea : Would like to use Lord Ruairi in Saya's storyline here, I do realize he doesn't have healing abilities, but one mage is as good as any other to Saya lol. If thats OK I'll add that part of the storyline after I have a bit of an idea about who lord Ruairi is from your storyline.


-Started an Amelia-storyline with lord Ruairi, offcourse, I'll wait with continuing the story untill I know more about him from your storyline. Bound to be interesting how different it'll turn out.

- Also : Do you have a name for the lake where lord Ruairi lives? I called it 'Lake Ruairi' for now, but it might be better with a fancier name ^^


hehe, forgot about the link since its pretty much the only Amelia storyline so far ^^

adding an option here and there isn't a problem, especially if the story is way past that point allready (who knows if I'll ever get back to it otherwise)

As for lake names : Aurora(kinda cool, means reflection of light), Lough Neagh(weird name lol), Loch Ness(you probably know the monster of Loch Ness), Bodensee (Neat lake in germany, been there), I'm just coming up with existing lake names tho xp

I think I'll go with Lake Aurora for now, lemme know if you find something you like better? :p

Added the fire-wielding rumors surrounding lord Ruairi here

- Fixed some equipment issues with your Arturia storyline (the hidden blade is a shortsword strapped to the thigh and hidden by the sleeves of the silky dress, it isn't small enough to hide under a pillow tho, you also can't carry it under the heavy dress)

- added a line of text here and there, you probably won't notice tho since it doesn't really change anything(mostly toughts on clothing or equipment unique to that option) xp. I just kinda felt like it.

Put the Beautiful Necklace and the Blade on top of the folded dress. - added paragraph at top of page.

Put the Blade under your pillow - added paragraph at top of page.

Wake him up and demand to know who he is, with the dagger at his throat-The life of a medieval princess - added page.

P.S. you can easily keep track of what changes in the story if you go to the category page and select 'related changes' in the left side menu (2nd option in toolbox, only works when you're on a stories' category page for some reason) or you can [1] Click here


deleting pages

Yes, deleting pages is one of my sysop functions. If you create a page and then change your mind, just blank it out (ie, edit it and then save it without any text in it). I'll spot the blank page and delete it for you. As long as you don't go crazy creating and blanking pages by the dozen, it's no problem. --Platypus 22:35, 7 February 2012 (UTC)

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