Beg her with your body

From Create Your Own Story

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The mixture of sex organs she has is setting you off more than you’d ever think possible. Her budding, B-cup breasts and her hard, 8 1/2-inch cock are causing you to drool and your pussy to moisten more and more, as your lust causes your body to react. Your breaths are shaky and you’re getting tunnel vision. You’re in legitimate pain the more you don’t act on your desire.

“I take it we should skip the for play?” she says, lustfully, as she comes closer to you.

As soon as she’s within leaping distance, the ardor is too strong and you pounce on her, forcing her to the ground in surprise. You quickly grab hold of her cock and slam it all down your throat, forcing you to gag and Jordyn utters a powerful, almost masculine moan. Having all of her in your mouth is causing you to tear up and you think it might be blocking off your airway. Before you can process that, however, Jordyn wraps her right leg around your neck and jams her tongue into your soaked pussy. The whole thing is too much for you and you explode right on her face and gag in your attempted scream as you choke on her cock.

“Holy fuck!” She definitely did not expect this.

You slowly lift your head up her shaft, then she throws you off her and you land with a thud. You’re just processing what happened when you’re forced to your knees by your hair and she rams her cock down your throat, forcing out another gag and more tears. She then pulls her hips back and starts fucking your face as hard as she can. Your spittle is flying all across the room as you look up into her while she forces every centimeter of her dick into you. The sounds you make as she slams in and pulls back out only light up her desire for you more, making her fuck you harder. She grunts and moans like she’s a man, which in this instance you suppose she sort of is.

“Ohhhhh! Ohhhh! Ohhhhh! Ohhhh! Gaaaaaaaa, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Gaaaaaoooo, fuck yeah! Take it! Oh fuck yeah! Suck it! Take it all down your goddamn little throat! I’m going to cum all the way... down... to your stomach! You’re gonna swallow every last drop of it! You’re gonna love it! I’m gonna cum and you’re gonna like it, you fucking whore!”

Every word she huffs, every grunt, and every moan, edges you off further as she rams her cock through your blood-red face. You’re seeing stars in your eyes and when she lets out a mighty roar of lust you’re thrown off her cock from the force of her ejaculation. Your body is drenched in her cum while you writhe in the strongest orgasm this body has ever had. Your scream of pleasure comes out a gargle as her semen pools in your mouth. You squirt the entire time before finally slumping to the floor, swallowing her cum, and breathe. You don’t get long to recover before Jordyn lies on top of you and heaves into your face.

“You didn’t think we were done, did you?”

Your eyes widen at your surprise that she’s even still able to stay conscious, much less keep going.

“Oh no! You told me you need me to pop your cherry! And after that... I need it too!”

With that, she pulls her hips back and slams into your pussy, causing her to bellow in lust and you to arch your back and scream with such force it hurts your throat. You only get a single second of recovery before the butch shemale hammers you like a sex machine, maybe even faster. You can only moan and shriek as you jerk and spasm underneath her. You last only a minute before you drench her cock in your fluids and howl right in her ear. She doesn’t even seem to process it, just continues her pounding of your deflowered cunt, keeping the orgasm going as every part of you shakes and writhes.

You can’t decipher what is pleasure and what’s pain, or anything else for that matter. All there is to you is a continuous orgasm. Jordyn keeps going, growling and grunting like an animal the entire time. She has completely regressed into the most primal part of her brain, which tells her that she must breed and she only processes that. Not the screaming in her ear, not the pain she may be causing, not even the slapping of her flesh against yours. She’s breeding and that’s all she knows, as you begin to black out, your mouth starts to froth, and your eyes force themselves back into their sockets. There’s no way to stop what has been put into motion: she’s going to cum no matter what and there’s nothing that can be done to stop it.

You are possessing:
11th Grade Emo Girl
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