Piggy's Day/Smile

From Create Your Own Story

< Piggy's Day
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Piggy: "Look Swine, I'm smiling! People lose control over their facial muscles when they have a stroke."

Swine: "But you're still inside the bathroom. I can't see you."

Piggy: "Well damn, maybe I am having a stroke..."

Swine: "I don't think so, actually. If you really were having a stroke, I suspect you'd be able to speak like that."

Piggy: "Oh, right."

You then proceed to dry yourself off before you slip and fall again. First your legs, then your torso, then your arms. However, you have some trouble drying your face. Even after wiping your face with a towel, you can clearly feel your face being wet.

Piggy: "What the...?"

You dry your face again. No help. However, you do notice that the white towel that you've been using has turned red.

Piggy: "Well that's strange, I..."

Now you realize that your nose is still bleeding massively. You look around and see blood everywhere; the bathroom floor is almost covered by it, and the towel is soaking wet. You've lost quite a lot of blood.

Piggy: "Oh dear. I uhh... Swine, I think I'm going to die."

Swine has already gone back to his room. You've become too nauseous to speak louder, and he can't hear you.

Piggy: "There's not much time, I need to do something..."


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