Move your spirit out of the Labradors body and try possessing the teenage girl

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You stand there staring at the teenagers ass. Your instincts inside the body you're in want you to mate with her.Which is strange because your a girl your self, even though you're inside a male body it still feels weird to you to think about things like sex with girls.But you decide a better idea is to test if you can possess her instead. Since you've been doing exactly as Sam told you, that being starting off small by possessing this dogs body your in.

With not a second to waste you dispossess the dog floating above the canines body, you look at the dog for a second as it looks around confused on how it got here, after a second he runs off to his owner who is still probably looking for him. You move closer to the teenagers body and brace yourself for your next step in possessing. You ghost charge yourself into the girls body, she drops her phone and then rolls onto her back and squirms for a second as you begin to take control over her body. After ten seconds of your spirit taking over her body, you finally have possession over her.

You open your eyes to see the clear blue sky and sunny sun in the park, since the body you took over was out of the way nobody seen anything. You sit up and look at your new body for a second, you have a nice pair of breasts for a teenager, that you can feel nicely even though you have a tanktop and bra on. You turn your head to see your new bodys phone on the park ground were it was dropped when you were possessing her. You look at the phone and read it. After a few minutes of reading through the texts you find out she was texting 2 friends, a guy named Brandon who was asking if you wanted to chill in his house today. And a girl named Stephanie who asked if you want to go shopping with her at a mall not to far away. That and you live not to far away from here with your parents, your little sister and older brother.

You want to find out more about your new body since you quite like it, it is the first human body you've possessed, and even though she's much older than you are you feel like you can maintain control of her body for quite a while since she hasn't got a very strong will. You again search the mind of the body to try to find out as much about whom it is you're possessing as you can, you find out your name is Jenny burke, your 17 and your apparently popular with the guys too. You keep on searching her mind to find out allot about all sorts of sexual acts and other sex related stuff, allot of this stuff is new to you since you died at ten so you never got to find out much about sex.

You grin as you think about how much fun you can have with such a good looking body with complete control over it and how many things you can try with the body too. You then decide to.....

You are: A Young female ghost possessing Jenny Burke
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