Your Queer Weekend Adventure/Lower

From Create Your Own Story

What The Fuck!

Hanging off the head of your dick is a great big silver ring. It sure as hell hadn't been there yesterday. You gently touch it and check it out. Yep it's real, the thin metal clasp is poking through the head of your cock. What the hell happened?

It's obvious what's happened but you don't want to admit it for a minute. Last night you got drunk and got yourself pierced. What were you thinking? You've never even thought about having your ears pierced, never mind a sensitive place like your dick. But any answer will have to come later. Right now you stink and that needs to be taken care of before anything else, even getting answers about ... that.

You jump in the shower and quickly wash yourself down. Except when you come to soaping up your balls you can't help but go a little slower as the ring keeps hitting your hand. You gently give your dick a slight tug. The ring is keeping your cock hanging down but ... it doesn't feel that bad. In fact the slight weight seems to be keeping your dick alive and you've been semi hard this whole time. But you don't dare stroke any harder of faster. Every time you think about having wank you keep having a vision of the ring catching on your hand or fingers and ... being ripped out.

That final thought was enough to finally get your dick to go down (and made you feel a bit sick) and you get out of the shower.

You need answers. Perhaps you might find a clue to what happened last night if you search around a little. Where do you want to try first?

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