Keep on trying to escape. Nobody can hold you forever.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:50, 22 January 2012 by UltimaEvill (Talk | contribs)

As you continue to struggle something inside you snaps and you break free of the mans grasp and start yelling towards the sky with lightning shooting out of your finger tips. You push both men back with an invisible wave that is somehow being generated from your body and from more than thirty feet away you lift both your arms and choke both men with the same invisible force that the men seemed to use a power you have never known before. As you crush there wind pipes the two men beg for you to stop as their faces get redder and redder changing to a light shade of blue. (By the way you have now leveled up. Great for you!) You decide to...

Kill the two strangers. Nobody ever messes with you. Nobody

Release your grip and let the new found power drain from you body

Laugh evilly and go on a rampage using your new powers to do whatever you want

Health 100 Equipment:

Two power converters

MP 10
Level 2
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