User talk:Snowball

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:41, 21 December 2011 by TheElderOnes (Talk | contribs)


Thanks! XD

I decided to flip through the recent changes page today, and I noticed that one of my pages had been edited. At first I was scared, but when I went to check, nothing much had changed, besides a spelling error being fixed. So I'd like to thank you for fixing a spelling error. That page took me the longest to complete, and I tried to read it over a few times to fix errors, guess I missed one.

So, thank you for enjoying my story, and thank you for taking the initiative by fixing the spelling error in the page I had made. Can I ask, is it okay by you if you can read through my newest story I've been working on? It's called Remember. I just need an honest opinion on it. --Heyoeveryone October 20 2011

You actually read through the story! Thank you so much! You also edited the some of the pages as well. Which I am forever thankful. I didn't think I'd have that many errors, but then again, at least it wasn't all of the 42 pages. Once again, thank you. Oh and what's your opinion of the story? --Heyoeveryone October 21 2011

It's perfectly fine if you edit every mistake. In fact, it makes the website become much more polished and better for people to understand. As for Remember. I was actually going to make it a extremely violent story with lots of death scenes and overall tragedy. But I think at around the second page, I decided to go a bit more of a 'learn about your past' kind of feel. Anyway, I hope you liked the story. Perhaps when I finish writing the story, you can perhaps check it for grammatical errors.

Thank you once again! --Heyoeveryone 22 October 2011

First of all. Thank so much again!! I know I've said this to you too many times but I just can't say it enough. The amount of pages I will be throwing out though will become less in the next two weeks. I have tests coming up, so I need to study. Your also going to start reviewing as well? Great! Just make sure you follow the format I use.

Let pages overlap? I kind of don't understand what you mean by that. If you mean that I should use links from other stories, then, I don't want to. That's why I put the 'R:' Before I do anything else. --Heyoeveryone 23 October 2011

Ah I understand. If that happens to you, then the best thing you should do is to call it (( Die(2) )). That's what i'd do. As for the public category thing. Maybe suggest that to the admin Platypus. --Heyoeveryone 23 October 2011

It should look like this:

This story has some pages that need work. Check the (( discussion )) tab to see them. -- Signature

You can edit it around and stuff, just stay along these lines. --Heyoeveryone 20:24, 15 November 2011 (UTC)

Hey! I read the review you recently posted up! Try to make your next review longer than this one, as this review was only two lines, say perhaps around one paragraph. You also followed by the format pretty well, except you forgot to bold the names of the different parts, and place italics on the preview. I hope that you will continue to make more reviews, and that with each one, you'll become increasingly better! --Heyoeveryone 09:56, 12 November 2011 (UTC)

I actually like that idea! Linking pages that need work in the discussion page of the first, that's some smart thinking. A good idea is to put some sort of little line at the bottom of the page so that other writers know that some pages need some expanding. I suggest you don't do that on the 'DO NOT EDIT' stories though, they wrote that for a reason. Also, make the line in italics, and put your name beside it, so that the reader knows it's a different section. --Heyoeveryone 23:37, 12 November 2011 (UTC)


Hey, I've made the first few pages of that 'God' story we talked about in the idea pitches section. It strayed off the idea I originally had with the gods and such, so uhh I wouldn't know how this would end, but I certainly like this introduction better. I'd like your opinion on it. Links in the title. Also, do you want to do some writing? I put this under as a side project for me, so the updates here will be very slow. --Heyoeveryone 08:41, 21 November 2011 (UTC)

Read both pages you put up. Needs a lot of polish, what do I mean? It means that you need to re-read your work and check for errors. I know, it's a painful process, but it has to be done. What I've read so far is extremely, do not know how you were able to transition into the god meeting, but hey, you did it.

Oh! I just noticed and read the idea you had for Remember. This is actually an interesting idea, if you had told me this while I was writing Chapter 1, I would have implemented that choice, but now, I'm trying to get through Chapter 2, thus finishing the story (it's only going to be 2 Chapters). If the opportunity arises, I may try to add it in this section of the story. --Heyoeveryone 08:47, 22 November 2011 (UTC)

I'd say leave the Devil out until the reader reaches second highest state (which I think is Holy), then he can be just some sort of vandal, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Once you notice this, you can do one of two things:

  • Call upon your friends to destroy him
  • Get rid of him yourself

On the evil side, there should also be a choice to have a 'Saviour' or an 'Angel' to come in and try to stop this madness by helping the people in distress. Again, you will have to choose between two choices when you see this occurring:

  • Call upon the Devil
  • Get rid of him yourself

Notice anything? It's basically an 'assist' or 'lone wolf' choice. XD. Also, the status indicators, we just need a basic one box and two column setup. That will just basically hold 'Godly state' then beside it will be the state your in. You can add more if you want. --Heyoeveryone 19:38, 22 November 2011 (UTC)

I made a template!!!! Have a look and share your thoughts. It's my first time with that so, if it's a bit odd to use, just tell me.

God State: {{{God State}}}

Like it? --Heyoeveryone 08:11, 24 November 2011 (UTC)

Sounds like a plan. Anyway, we're making a pretty good team. You typing up the page, while I just read it over and expand it. Try to explain new characters or choices so the reader knows what he's doing. More importantly, try to make sure that Harris gets back to his God Building work.--Heyoeveryone 07:36, 27 November 2011 (UTC)

Special Pages

"Wanted" pages are unwritten pages that have links leading to them. In other words, it's a list of all the red links in every page on the site. --Platypus 03:20, 29 November 2011 (UTC)

There are no "Unwanted" pages; there are "Unwatched" pages. When you edit a page, there are two check boxes, one for minor edits and one for watching the page. For me, the 'watch' box is always pre-checked, for whatever good that does. Any page anyone creates with that box not checked goes on the Unwatched list. --Platypus 12:39, 29 November 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for the heads up about the collapsed Adult Section. All I had to do was reverse Jeb's edit to fix it. Somehow I doubt he's going to be around for long. --Platypus 16:42, 17 December 2011 (UTC)


Hi. Thanks for the offer though I haven't noticed myself doing it yet. Probably cause I pointed out it might happen. Isn't that always the way things work? I'm also not sure what you mean by customizing my signature, what signature? o.o -- Cpt. Devonin

Toolbar? I don't see that too often... only on certain pages, I think it has to do with my phone not having enough memory to display everything on a page all the time. Thank you for the information, but I think manually including the date would give me too much to type and I'm not sure I could really benefit from setting up a signature on my phone if I need to see the toolbar to add it. :) -- Cpt. Devonin

Wiki RPG

Yes, it's advertising, but it's advertising something that used to be part of this site, and it was put there by one this site's original sysops four years ago. I don't think it needs any attention. But good job actually finding it after all this time! --Platypus 16:47, 20 December 2011 (UTC)

Regarding Bloodsport.

Ooh, nice find. I hadn't exactly meant for it to be kept a secret for now, but I guess it technically is without any links anywhere else. xD If you don't mind me asking, exactly how did you find it? Orphaned pages? (Even though it technically is orphaned, it really isn't. >.>)

As for your style, if you like how you do intros, keep doing it that way. No reason to change unless it's something you really want. I kinda like the quick, "Hey, get ready, bro." kind of intros, but I feel like the stories I come up with are better suited for slightly longer intros. There is, by the way, some extra info on Bloodsport. lying around another "project" of mine. Shouldn't be too hard to find, really, but it's out there if you want to know more.

Right now, it's only in a slightly-planned stage. While logic would dictate that I wait until I know more about my own idea to start writing the intro, making that intro sort of solidified the whole "I'm actually going to write this, damnit" feeling that I need for motivation. Of course, the whole part about the page not being shitty after all certainly doesn't hinder that process any. (After all, I tend to be my own harshest critic for a number of reasons, and I figure that there's at LEAST one inaccuracy or anachronism somewhere on that page, but, oh well.) Hopefully I will have the first character's intro up by tomorrow, a character who'll experience the bloodsport through the traditional ladder rules.

Anyways, that's just my rambling response. --TheElderOnes 03:41, 21 December 2011 (UTC)

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