GO to Harold and ask him about the whereabouts of Peter and Danny

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You walk over ot the bar made out of drift wood and tree bark and sit on a tough stool made out of cacti. Harold turns around and just by the way he islooking at you you can tell that he has gone insane. "HOWDY THERE PARDNER!" he greets you as if the two of you have noi bad blood which you do. "uh hi..." you say awkwardly. "Im looknig for these two guys about yey high and really big...Danny and Peter Earl..have you seen or hear dof them?" Harold gives you a peculiar stare. "Well Pardner a lot of people come into these parts and the ones that dont follow the rules end up on the menu!" He laughs as you shudder at the thought of cannabalism which seems to be what harold has become. "You trade me that nice blade you got there and il fix you up with some nice weapons and a little info about your friends." He winks at you and then turns around to wipe imaginary glasses with a bloody rag. Will you give him your chainsaw or not?

Character: Nick Harris
Alive: 46 students
Hours Remaining: 70
Weapons Aquired: Chainsaw
Friends: Georgie Sanders
Kills: Zeke

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