Glamour: The life of a model

From Create Your Own Story

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(Created page with 'You are 19 year old Sasha, and have just been given a new opportunity to model for the company you father works at. In your family: Bill: 64 years old, your grandfather Jake: …')
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*[[Glamour: The life of a model-Begin your day| Begin your day]]
*[[Glamour: The life of a model-Begin your day| Begin your day]]
*[[Wait, I don't want to be a model]]
*[[Wait, I don't want to be a model]]
*[[Why are my parents divorced?]]
*[[Before I move in my my dad and grandfather...]]
*[[Before I move in my my dad and grandfather...]]
[[Category: Glamour: The life of a model]]
[[Category: Glamour: The life of a model]]

Current revision as of 23:38, 6 March 2016

You are 19 year old Sasha, and have just been given a new opportunity to model for the company you father works at.

In your family:

Bill: 64 years old, your grandfather

Jake: 46 years old, your father

Alice: 43 years old, your mother (Divorced from your father. You used to live with her, but have moved in with your father to work.)

Steven: 20 years old, your older brother

Todd: 18 years old, your younger brother

Evelyn: 18 years old, your sister, Todd's twin

Your grandfather and dad live in the same house, while your siblings all live with your mom. Your mom and dad divorced when you were 6, and you have not seen since the divorce, so you are excited to meet him again.

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