Rape her unshaven pussy

From Create Your Own Story

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Current revision as of 08:46, 2 March 2016

You waste no time in this situation as you plunge your massive member into her tight, dry, unprepared snatch. She screams out in pain and blood begins to seep out as her walls tear to accommodate the sudden intrusion. Knowing that she will try to escape, you use your huge frame to place your paws in front of her shoulders. As she tries to knock them away, you begin to fall on top of her and crush her, so she quickly learns that you are in control. Once this fact is established, you begin wildly thrusting inside her, causing her to scream until they die out into whimpers, then crying as she accepts that she is being raped by an animal, an animal that she loved. Soon after she begins sobbing, you feel your climax approaching and your knot beginning to swell, so you make a large thrust to shove your knot in, then grind until you hit your climax. You act exactly as a dog would during climax, but you take much longer due to your enormous size. After pumping loads and loads of cum straight into her for about twenty minutes, you lift yourself off of her and rotate so that you are ass-to-ass with her. She tries to crawl away, then realizes that your knot is stuck inside her, causing movement to be painful. For over an hour, you stand there, your knot locked into your master, who sobbed for the entire time. When your knot begins to deflate, you notice she is trying to move to the door.

You are possessing:
Huge Dog
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