Finish it!

From Create Your Own Story

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*'''[[Digimon: Extra Sharp Claw (O-D)|Return to your last move]]'''
*'''[[Extra Sharp Claw (O-D)|Return to your last move]]'''
{{TamerStats|Health=Killed by a lightning bolt|Equipment=Original Digivice|Location=[[Beetle Land]]}}
{{TamerStats|Health=Killed by a lightning bolt|Equipment=Original Digivice|Location=[[Beetle Land]]}}
[[Category: Digimon Transverse]]
[[Category: Digimon Transverse]]

Current revision as of 20:56, 26 January 2015

Even after you have eliminated the threat, you are not satisfied. Your heart fills with rage and anger. You want that thing dead.

"Agumon..." you begin, "finish it."

Agumon stares at, looking quite confused. "Er... finish what...?"

You are just about this close to kicking it on its snout had it not fought for you. "Argh, kill it!"

Agumon continues to look at you for a little while, as if it's shock about its partner's cruelty. Its eyes tell you that it is unwilling to, but it knows it has no choice.

Slowly, it moves towards the lifeless Digimon, ready to land its final strike. When it reaches its side, the Yanmamon flips around and fires another Thunder Ray attack at Agumon! The attack hits its chest directly, causing Agumon to fall in defeat.

You run for your life, but it shoots you before you could go far. The lightning bolt hits you and penetrates your body. You fall and die, with your body dissolving away into data bits. You know, however, that you are not going to reincarnate as a Digi-Egg anytime soon.

As you lay there, dying, you could swear there is a voice talking to you in your final moments of life. "You are impure... I have no need for your soul..."

The end.

Your Status
Equipment Original Digivice Location:

Beetle Land

Digimon Status
Digimon Agumon (Savers)
Equipment Training bracers Location:

Beetle Land

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