Agree and get dressed.

From Create Your Own Story

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'''Status: Clothed & Calm'''
You quickly slide on the top and skirt, thankful to be clothed again.  You walk out of the racks as an older man walks into the store.
You quickly slide on the top and skirt, thankful to be clothed again.  You walk out of the racks as an older man walks into the store.

Current revision as of 21:22, 3 May 2014

Status: Clothed & Calm

You quickly slide on the top and skirt, thankful to be clothed again. You walk out of the racks as an older man walks into the store.

"Tina, I just got my last complaint about you. I gotta let you go. Close out your register, and take your stuff from the back."

Tina is momentarily stunned, but then starts "Was it that over-botoxed bitch who was here an hour ago? Because she came in here -"

"I don't want to hear it! Customer serv-", the man stops when he notices you. "I'm sorry, miss, I didn't realize you were here. I apologize for the tone of my voice."

You nod abashedly, as you head towards the door.

Suddenly, the alarms by the door beep gently. "Please return to the counter to have security tags removed from your purchase."

The sudden silence is punctuated by a few more gentle reminders from the device.

The man's face twists in rage. "Are you -- stealing my clothes!"

You turn to run out the door as he reaches for you, grabbing your shirt in the back. Your lurch to a stop, causing the shirt to fall violently to your waist, pinning your arms to your sides as your boobs spill out. You try to twist about to get out of his grasp, and his rage turns into a fierce blush.

"Let her go, asshole!" Tina screams, launching herself onto him.

He lets go just as you twist forward, causing you to stumble into a rack of clothes.

Tina is screaming and scratching, as the man tries to get her off of him by pulling on the summer dress she is wearing.

As you pull yourself from the rack, you feel your skirt catch on something, and it falls to your ankles. Meanwhile, you are trying to shimmy out of the top around your waist.

As you get the top off, a loud rip breaks your concentration.

The man is standing, shocked, with two large clumps of fabric in his hand, as Tina stumbles away wearing only high heels and a microscopic thong.

You all stand in silence, as the security device chimes "Thank you for shopping here. We look forward to your repeat business."

Tina screams, covers her smallish breasts with her hands, and runs towards the door. She grabs you as she passes, and you stumble out the front door with her, naked once again.

She is looking about, panic struck. You realize you can either:

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