Possess the little girl

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide to try possessing a human, but you remember to do it little bit little. So you decide to chose the little girl on her Tablet for your new target to possess. You dispossess the male Labradors body and the begin to float to the little girl. You get to her and shes about the same age as you so you feel it would be an easy target to possess. Your spirit creeps up infront of her and then you lunge yourself inside of her, and after like 10 seconds of taking over her body, your spirit successfully settles inside of her.

You open your eyes and look at your new body, its pretty much the same as your old one, you're wearing a shirt, skirt and flat pumps. You search your hosts memory to figure out shes called Ellie Gardner, your 11 years old, and your in the park with your Family. Mum Sharon, dad Fred and brother Mike. Ellie was on her Tablet playing Candy Crush, you think about what to do next, so you decide to.....

Do you:

You are: A Young female ghost possessing Ellie Gardner
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