LtBG/Begin Adventure

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The beginning

After days of traveling through the desert Lana has finally arrived at her destination, the city called Freeville.

Freeville is a city where criminals come to hide from bounty hunters. The city has grown over time since the apocalypse. The guards of the city take away all the weapons and armor of the visitors and hold them in lockers. The visitors keep the keys for the lockers but the guards make sure that as long as you're staying, you are not allowed to go in there. Once the visitors leave, they get their weapons and armor back. This makes the city a safer place, even though it has plenty of criminals.

But Lana is searching for a particular criminal. Her bounty has taken refuge in Freeville because of the high reward for anyone that takes him in alive. Lana traveled through the desert to lure him out of the city so that she can arrest him. She has finally reached the city borders and she walks up to the border guards.

Guard: "Well look at you. You must be new here, I would remember a face like yours." Lana: "Yes, I am. I am looking for a place to stay." Guard: "Very well, as long as you comply to our rules you will be given a place to stay." Lana: "What are these 'rules'?" Guard: "You will be stripped from your weapons and armor on arrival, we will keep them in a locker here. Our guards will guard the lockers while you have the key. You may only take your belongings on your way out of the city." Lana: "Fair enough." Guard: "And because you're a women, you will have to accept and understand the following rules as well." Lana: "..." Guard: "A women receive free shelter and she does not have to pay inside the city walls for anything." Lana: *That sounds too good to be true...* Guard: "In return, she will receive a visitor outfit which she has to wear inside the city borders and she has to fulfill her female role inside the society." Lana: "And what do you mean with role? And what kind of outfit is it?" Guard: "If a man approaches a woman and demands anything from her, she has to comply. At any given point and time a woman should perform any task ordered by a man. And the outfit is randomly chosen, but it fits the role of the woman. The only thing I can tell you is that you will be given a necklace which shows that you are a visitor, so that the guards can recognize you." Lana: "I have to perform any task a man orders me to do? Does this have any limitations? What if he orders me to kill someone?" Guard: "The only orders you are allowed to ignore are the ones that are written on the signs inside the city. Which are;'No killing, No stealing'." Lana: "So, if they tell me to perform a sexual act...?" Guard: "That would be fulfilling your female role. And you will have to comply." Lana: *So... basically I will be a fucktoy for any man inside the city border... But is this bounty reward worth it?* Guard: "So, do you agree to these rules?"

Does Lana agree?

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