VRX 9000: Sex Games / Try and find the arena (1)

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'''VRX 9000: Sex Games''' [[Category: VRX 9000: Sex Games]]
'''The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult'''
'''Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult'''
You watch her disappear, considering her offer. Maybe you can use this to your advantage if you work it right. You practically have an invitation into the cultists second level. All you have to do it find this arena, wherever it is, and defeat whatever these pathetic cultists might be able to throw at you. You are not afraid. Giving the guard behind you a glance you simple walk off down the tunnel. Who knew it would be so easy to just simply walk into a cave full of enemy cultists? As you walk forward you notice the tunnel slopes down, passing the metal door and you continue at a brisk pace. No reason to stay where you are.
Before long you find that there are hovels on either side of the cave as you move further down covered by red curtains against the tunnel side. Peaking into the first one on your left you see they have laterns in the middle with beds circling them with all kinds of disgusting rags and garbage spread out everywhere. They are obviously where the guards seem to sleep. In the first hovel there are two guards sleeping inside but you ignore them as you hear two sets of boots approaching from down the tunnel coming towards you. They are obviouly guards, a patrol most likely. This place really isn't badly guarded for a den of cultists. You simple walk forward without your sword drawn and about a few moments later the guards turn the corner and spot you. They both instead are alert, spears lowering towards you. "Intruder!"
You curse as they yell it so loudly. Guards start to move in all the side hovels and you notice you better say something quick. "Raise those spears and Katelin will hear about it." The guards look taken aback, not moving towards you anymore and look at each other obviously suddenly unsure of themselves. "You heard me." You continue. "If you don't escort me immediately to the arena you won't enjoy what happens to you. Now move, NOW." The guards are intimidated enough, instantly raising their spears. Guards are all over though, looking through curtains with some half dressed, others idly holding various weapons. They all look cruel and they are all looking at you wonderingly while some are looking at things they shouldn't be.
Before you know it two other guards are behind you with spears and to your amazement they are stupid enough to start escorting you down the tunnel, one on each side. Katelin obviously carries a lot of weight down here. The hovels go on for a while, many guards giving you strange looks as you proceed. But before long you finally get to a flattened part of the tunnel where it splits off in two differet directions. To the left it goes to a flat area that looks to be like a guard barracks area with a large space of cave with stone buildings sticking out at several areas. There are guards all over it and a small metal wall blocking it off mostly with a guard behind it. You try not to look much in that direction so no one who knows better notices you with eye contact.
Looking forward, you see that the light seems to be getting brighter from just around the corner not far ahead. You can even faintly hear the buzz of what must be a massive amount of people. Maybe even a city down here! You may have stumbled onto something way bigger than anyone had anticipated about this place. Your escort walks by the barracks area but not long after there is a yell from behind and a soldier comes running up looking at you quizzically. You curse under your breath, you were so close! "Who is this? The captain wants a word!"
"I have direct orders from Katelin to be taken straight to the arena." You say, raising your eyebrow at the guard. "Run off or feel her wraith."
The guard just looks you up and down before to the guards again. "The captain will have your heads if you don't show your 'guest' to him first. The barracks is the checkpoint for all visitors from this direction!" The guards start to look uncertain and they seem to be falling in line with this new soldier. Apparently he is a higher rank and they might just take his lead. Which means you need to make a decision quickly.
'''What do you do?'''
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Make a run for it (1)]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Follow them to the captain (1)]]
*[[VRX 9000: Sex Games / Use 'Intimidation' (1)]]
'''Current Status:''' 100% - Normal
'''Current Items:''' Sword, Dagger, Armor
'''Current Alignment:''' (10/20) - Neutral
'''Main Quest:''' Find the Heirloom
'''Side Quests:''' None
'''Surge of Strength:''' x3
'''Intimidation:''' x1
'''Heart of Steel:''' x2

Current revision as of 18:51, 31 January 2024

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