Chikorita for your starter.
From Create Your Own Story
(Redirected from Chikorita for your starter.Currently only available path.)
You decide to pick a Chikorita for your journey because it's so darn cute.You bid farewell with the assistant and head out to Route 29. You randomly find some Pokeballs on the ground and pick them up. A wild Sentret suddenly pops up.You decide to catch it."Go Pokeball!"You say.1 shake,2 shakes, 3 shakes.BUNG!You caught it! You finally arrive at Cherrygrove City.The flowers around the cities smell very good and the breeze is refreshing.You start thinking about where to go.You ask a trainer in the area and he points to a house.In the house is an old man. "Um,Mister, can you show me where to get a Town map?"