Give her to someone who loves little girls

From Create Your Own Story

Playing with the little blonde has been fun, but barely legal virgins really aren't your thing. However, being a well-connected perv, you know just what to do with her. Pulling out your cell phone as you duck into the privacy of your van, you snap a pic of the naked cutie and call a number known to only a select circle of perverts.

"Hello, may I help you?" inquires the sexy, feminine voice that answers.

"Tango Alpha Romeo Tango," you reply, "let me speak to Major Bear." There isn't, of course, any Major Bear; it is just part of the passphrase, along with this month's codeword: TART. The number, which changes regularly, connects you to a clandestine exchange organization among discerning, and affluent, deviants. Those whose tastes run to young partners often have a very narrow range of interest. Once a girl or boy is too mature, the perv in question usually just loses interest. For some sickos, that happens when they start walking and talking, for others it is once they have their first growth spurt and lose their cherubic baby fat features; others would be turned of by the little blonde's under-developed body. For you, the blonde is a tad on the young side, but rather than throwing her back and waiting for her to get develop further, you know she is perfect trade bait for the MP Exchange.

"Client number please," the woman requests.

"One Six Seven Five Beta," you admit, indicating that you'd actually only been to one of their auctions as the guest of your friend Rod, a frat brother and fellow perv from your college days who graduated from mixing panty-dropper punch to serve to unsuspecting freshmen coeds--setting them up for semi-lucid gangbangs--to relieving desperate rural families of excess daughters in lieu of foreclosing on their house and farm now that he is branch manager of the main bank in a small market town where the farmers come to sell their crops and buy seed for the next season.

"You gotta start slow," he told you, "if you want the daughters. The wives are easy; it's the daughters they protect like Fort Knox. I had this one pretty, little farm wife--randy as a cat in heat once you got her going--who I didn't even have to try for. Her husband offered her to me unasked the first time I dropped by to see why they were so far behind on their payments. Got to the point where by the time he was coming to me for a seed loan and still hadn't made his first payment on the previous year's loan, that his wife was basically staying with me full-time as my personal whore--in fact naked under my desk with my cock down her throat when he walked in to apply for the new loan. I told him I'd be by his place that evening to discuss the terms. When I got there, I told him the terms were non-negotiable. I'd supported his wife long enough. From now on, rather than keeping her at my place, I'd do my after-work fucking of her in their bed, which I'd be sharing with her each and every night until both loans were paid in full." (He'd just foreclosed on a nice little antebellum mansion that had seen its better days and arranged to buy it from the bank for what remained of the original loan, but the place needed a ton of work before he could move in. Rather than continue paying rent at his old place, he figured he might as well live rent free with his regular piece of ass.)

"When he asked me where he was supposed to sleep, I told him he could do it on the rug at the foot of the bed, like the useless mutt he was. Then I hit him with the hard part. While I wouldn't fuck his daughters, or even shove my cock in their mouths, I could put my hands--and tongue--any where I wanted on them and the entire family had to dress however I told them to. Finally if he hadn't paid both loans in full within one year, I'd foreclose on his ass and toss him out, but keep his wife and daughters as my permanent fucktoy whores. Let me tell you, he had three curvacious daughters ranging from thirteen to eighteen, and they were all, right down to the youngest, as slutty as their mother once I got my hands on them. Of course, once I noticed his little four-inch woody the first time I made him insert my cock into his wife's pussy for me, I realized I had a natural born, sissy cuckold on my hands and it wasn't long after that when I had him wearing his wife's clothes while he sucked her ass stains off my cock to get me hard enough to do her again. After that, he never even pretended to be trying to pay back the loan. I eventually foreclosed on him, and sold him and his wife to a couple of big-dicked black thugs who promised to fuck them both stupid and pimp them out. The daughters I kept for myself, until I tired of them."

Which for Rod translated into before they got pregnant and made him lose interest. The auction you went to with him was actually when he was selling off the youngest, sixteen years old and three months pregnant by then. You willingly went along with him because it seemed like a wild night, a way to meet a bunch of high-roller pervs. The fact that girls whose sellers were claiming particular levels of skill or obedience often offered free samples of their charms to prospective bidders only sweetened the pot. Of course, there was no way you could afford to actually bid, even the least-desired girl went for more than a new car, and while the auctions weren't cash-and-carry, as few carried that sort of cash on them, those who didn't have the cash were expected to arrange a wire transfer of the funds before departing with their purchase. You were still making payments on your van, and that wasn't even brand new when you got it. Hence your Beta status. You are just considered an associate to Rod's membership, who is the actual client 1675, and you'll lose even that if he chose to take a different guest to the next auction. You'll only get your own client number when you've been party to a transaction, whether buyer, seller, or part of a brokered trade.

"I'm sorry, Sir," the girl informs you, "but I can't discuss the next auction with you directly; you'll have to speak to your primary member to learn the time and date."

"That's not what I called about," you reply. "I'm texting you a pic I just took of some fresh meat I have available. It could wait for the meat market, but it's very fresh and I'd like to see what you have available for trade immediately."

"Very nice," she responds as the blonde's pic reaches her, "but just how fresh are we talking?"

"Well, I can tell you from personal experience," you tell her, smirking, as your fingertip is inside the blonde at that very moment, verifying her intact hymen while your thumb keeps her happy stoking across her very erect little clit, "she's definitely cherry. Can't speak for her pouty little mouth, but she definitely hasn't been tapped, front or back. I wouldn't call her innocent, though maybe a bit naive, but she is definitely cuddly and agreeable. Now what have you got for me by way of more fully developed and trained?"

"Well, Sir, we've got three girls available in the exchange center listings that meet that description; I'll send you their pics and stats in reply to your text." She quickly does as she indicated, and in just a few moments your options are beeping their arrival on your phone.

The first girl is an twenty-three-year-old Boston Irish redhead, still wearing her Catholic schoolgirl uniform even though she's long since graduated. According to her file, her family considered birth control a mortal sin and, as the youngest of seven, her parents had leaped at the offer put before them when her father was laid off and they fell behind on their tuition payments and the school priest mentioned their "new program" which would allow him to waive the tuition on all six of their other children if they permitted him to find her a position in the convent associated with the school. At the time, the ravishing redhead was cute and undeveloped for her age, like your own blonde, and the position the priest found for her was a classic sixty-nine, which she assumed every night upon returning to the convent from school with whichever nun had been granted use of the slut that night. And on Sundays, it was whatever position or positions the priest felt like fucking her in after services. However, after five years of serving in the convent, a newly assigned and soon to be arriving Mother Superior has prompted the nuns to part with their now curvaceous and obedient tongue slut.

Next up for your consideration is a raven-haired goth chick, now twenty-one, who has developed too far for the wannabe vampire that took her in three years ago to continue to maintain his self-delusion that his "childe" is an unaging denizen of the night forever locked in the youthful body she possessed when she was "brought over". Not as well-developed as the redhead, she is, nonetheless, now solidly a large B-cup or small C-cup--depending on manufacturers--with a decidedly hourglass figure, and no longer has the flat chest or waif-thin hips that first attracted him to her. Her profile indicates that she is fully trained in blood play and S&M as well as an eager and experienced fuckpuppet. She thoroughly believes that her life utterly belongs to her "Sire" and will transfer that loyalty to whomever he tells her is her new Master, to the point where she would willingly participate in snuff sex if he told her to do so, and likely orgasm as she expired knowing she had literally given everything, even her very essence, in service to him.

The final option you would likely dismiss as an internet fake or some other sort of joke if it weren't for the fact that you are absolutely sure that the organization you are communicating with doesn't even pretend to have a sense of humor. The naked, brown-haired girl in the pic you are looking at is supposedly nineteen, yet she is a dead-ringer for a fourteen-year-old Emma Watson. If, that is, Emma Watson had sported firm, round, gravity-defying, but, according to the file, completely natural 32DD tits during her Prisoner of Azkaban period. Her profile indicates that since she reached legal age, her father has been training her to be the perfect little slut, willing to fuck anyone--or anything--whenever, wherever, and however she's told to, but now isn't even inspired to an erection by her since her tits went from bugbites to bazookas in less than two years.

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

Inside your van not far from The Costume Shop

MP 0
Level 5
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