Get out of the car and ask for help

From Create Your Own Story

You unbuckle your seat belt and step out of the car to wave for help. You are wearing a white tank top, along with a short schoolgirl skirt. Your shoulder-length hair flows with the wind. If not for the reality of the situation, it would almost look like a scene from a movie.

The passenger window is cranked down on the side of a seedy-looking car, and a man pokes his head out. "Hey Miss, do you need any help? Looks like you are having car trouble. If you'd like, I'll give you a ride."

You shrug your shoulders and say, "Sure, why not? Let me grab my purse."

You dart to your car and bend over, inadvertently revealing your fine young ass to the driver of the seedy car as you reach for the purse.

"Gotta make some room for you!" grins the driver as he clears off the passenger seat of empty bottles of pop, fast food wrappers, and pornographic magazines. He takes a second to ogle your fine ass as he wipes some leftover food out from the corner of his mouth.

You return with your purse, hop into the car, and the two of you drive away.


"You're lucky I came when I did, Missy," says the driver as he speeds down the road. "There ain't hardly a soul that comes by on this road, very often." The driver takes a not-too-subtle, devouring look at you and continues, "Surely none as pretty as you come around this way, either. You must be sweatin' to death in all this heat. Here, let me turn on the air." With that, the driver reaches over you, brushing against your breast, and rolls up the window. Then he turns on the air conditioning unit in the car. "By the way, my name's Chuck. What's your name?"

"Krystal," you say as the two of you drive on down the road. You begin to feel uncomfortable with the way Chuck has been staring at you.

"Well, Miss Krystal, I reckon we got about twenty or so miles till the next gas station. So I suggest you get a bit comfortable till then."

"Okay, thanks," you reply.

During the long drive, you glance around the small, compact car. There is a somewhat unpleasant musky odor in the vehicle that nauseates you, and it looks as if the thing hasn't been cleaned for an eternity.

"Admiring the inside of my ride?" says Chuck with a grin.

"No... Not really," you reply.

"Oh, I'm sure you will... soon," he mumbles.

Before you can properly put any thought to his words, you begin to feel a little drowsy. Before long, you yawn, and your eye lids begin to feel a little heavy.

"How long before we reach the gas station?" you ask.

"Oh, I'd say about another ten or so minutes. You can go ahead and take a bit of a nap, if you want. I'll wake you when we get there."

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