A 25 year old young professional

From Create Your Own Story

Your name is Mark and you are on your way up in life. You just got a job as associate at one of the biggest and most successful law firms in the nation. You are working 14 hour days, but you know that your hard work will pay off. People are already noticing you, and you will soon move up. You sit their thinking of all the things you will buy when you become a partner.

Suddenly, an old guy just appears in front of you.

"Who are you?" you say, moving towards the phone, ready to call security.

"I am god." he proudly answers.

Considering what just happened, you're inclined to believe him. There is also the huge aura of power coming off him.

"I am retiring, and you have been decided to be my replacement. You have the ability, the mind, and the will. You now have the power to do nearly anything you could want to do, but take some time, get used to it. If you jump in too quickly you will develop some deadly disease and the universe will probably kill you off." You open your mouth to respond, but quick as he appeared, he vanishes.

So I guess you rule everything now.

What now?:

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