Mission: Reproduce

From Create Your Own Story

- This story uses Trigger Words -

A soft, electronic hiss awakens you. You open your eyes slowly, your head pounding. Where are you? You get up and look around. There's another pod in the room with you. You look inside it. There's a female, roughly your age, mid twenties. You can't really see her features. A soft hiss sounds, and the pod opens. She slowly gets up. She is rather pretty. She has about DD cup breasts, and a plump butt. She has long, wavy brunette hair, and a pleasant face. She has a little fat, but only enough for it to be sexy. She's like your dream girl. She's wearing a white jumpsuit, tight on her, as yours seems to be.

"Ugh...where...where am I?" she asks.

"I...don't know. I just woke up too. My name's Adam."

"Sylvia. Let's look around."

You walk out, into a long hall. At the end are two large doors. You go to these.

"Welcome, humans!" a cheery voice says upon entry. A little robot zooms up, apparently the source of the voice. "I am RX7-34971, but you may call me Rex. I'm your captain on this journey." He pauses. "SCANNING BRAINWAVES. MEMORY LOSS APPARENT. Oh dear, it seems as though the cryogenic suspension has muddled your minds. Oh well. Before you ask, please listen. First of all, its the year 4,587. The human race is long extinct. Except for 10 ships set out in different direction for search of a new home. Your first mission is to simply find as many inhabitable planets as you can, then to set up a settlement, and crops on each. We are nearing a promising solar system, which is why you are awakened. For your second main objective, please go to your Cabins." Rex speeds off. You head outside, to a Cabin marked Adam, and Sylvia finds one across the hall. You go in. Another robot zooms up. "Hello, I'm Griffin." it says in a high-pitched voice. "I'll be your guide. I've been instructed to inform you of The Second Objective. Please sit back and relax." Griffin project an article.

'Dear Sir,

as you have learned, it is far into the future. You and your shipmate are the only humans withing lightyears, possibly the very last. The Earth is running out of resources, and by the time you read this, it will be a desert planet. Luckily, we have hope. On this ship are plants and supplies to build a colony. That is The First Objective. However, people is the greater problem. You and your partner are to reproduce as much as possible after settling. You have been altered in various ways to help. For one, you age much slower, and are expected to make it into the thousands, still looking 40 or so. Your fertility has been boosted, as well as your sex drive. Once you begin, it will snowball, until you need it. Your pregnancies will also only last 2 months, and your children will have all of your traits, except the slow aging. Do not worry, your partner has been tested and proven an ideal match for you, by your standards. You may have already notice that you have attraction to them, and they are getting this same message right now. Thank you, and good luck. '

The screen blips off. You and Sylvia? The only humans? Reproducing? Sure she was nice, and hot, but, you just met her...or had you? You don't know who she was to you before the voyage. You decided to just treat this as your new life, and not worry about whatever had happened before.

You spend time wandering the halls, getting to know the ship. You get an alert on a screen on your wrist that you're nearing the first solar system. You watch as multiple planets come into view of the ship. You see Sylvia, who is silent.


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