E.F/Sneak towards Hags Rock

From Create Your Own Story

Silently, you begin to make your way towards Hags Rock. The sky darkens as the sun is covered by grey. Five goblins are resting inside the boulder unaware of your presence. A fire is burning in the center of the camp. You take a moment to consider your options. If you're careful, you could burn them all using the fire in the center. You could take a few of them down if you get close enough with you, or you can do it safely by using your bow from a range.

E.F/Use the fire and burn them

E.F/Stay where you are and use your bow

E.F/Silently use your dagger

Health #113 Equipment:

(Items): Huntsman Bow, wooden arrows(20), Stange Necklace, light tunic, light healing potion, 25 gold (Magic): none (Abilities): Agility-5 Courage-5 Endurance-5 Focus-13 Intelligence-5 Luck-8 Speechcraft-5 Strength-5 Will-5 (Location):Hags Rock, Aeria (Time):12:20am (Xp):0/100

MP #100
Level #1
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