Wait and listen to what the laughing woman tells Billy

From Create Your Own Story

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You hear the sound of phone buttons being rapidly stabbed with a fingertip. You nonchalantly edge closer to the woman's cube to eavesdrop. You are only a couple feet from the doorway to her cubicle. There's her nameplate on the cube wall: Risa Pimentón.

"Billy! Billy, it's me. Billy, you are not going to beleeve what I just saw." Risa Pimentón keeps her voice low and hushed. "What? No, I have something to tell you. No I tell you first! Goddammit Billy, you always do this! Fuckin A! Billy? Billy!"

Risa groans with frustration, "Ooh, fucking cocksucker.." You hear the button-stabbing again. "Billy! Billydon'thanguponmeIsawaguywithhis oh fucking hell!"

You are starting to find this amusing. Now, when you are amused, you have this thing where you always brush your cock with your hand. It's something of a poker tell. You're not entirely sure why -- you and your therapist haven't really gotten around to that little peccadillo* -- all you know is that you like to make sure the old Jacques Pepin is well-seated before you have a good laugh. Maybe because you get hard when you guffaw? Hm.

So you stifle a snicker and brush you hand over your crotch, and -- what do you know! Your cock is dangling in the HVAC breeze! You never put Jacques back in the kitchen after that bit of Lanie on the copier. You've been wandering through the office, completely preoccupied with telling your idea to your boss, with your cock hanging out in full view! And, actually, a very nice view it is, in your humble opinion. Keeping down even more laughter at your discovery, you heft your danglejut in your palm. The fact is, however many times your therapist tells you it's narcissistic, giving the prickwand a nice gander simply lightens the heart. I mean, there's no mystery here; it's big, it's thick, it's rosy -- it's pretty! It's damn pretty. It's cash in the bank. No matter how low you get, the road back to a positive outlook is only a grope away.

And with that thought, you think, Eh, what the fuck, I'll leave him out for a bit! Anyway, people secretly like seeing it. It's the same for everyone. Oh, they try to deny it, but you know better. A burly cock, a florid cunt, capacious teats or hips or a spacious bottom; skin of any kind; there's nothing so wholesome.

Snicker Pepper, who, you now understand, was merely amused at your loin-level indiscretion, is punching the phone buttons again. You were irritated but now you think you could like her. Maybe you should have a bit of fun with her. Or maybe you should keep listening. Hm. Or maybe you should go talk to Mishima like you wanted in the first place.

Do you:

* In fact, recently the whole talking therapy thing has been kind of slowing down; it's hard for either of you to say much when your mouths are busy between each other's legs. And yet, you've been finding meetings with her so much more satisfying of late. Maybe the talking is over-rated.

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