Romance movie

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:52, 11 October 2010 by Meesh11p (Talk | contribs)

You glance at a romantic movie, "How about that one, Marc."

Marc laughed, "Didn't think a girl like you'd be into that sort of thing, whatever I'm all for it."

You smile and walk with him and sit in the back row.

You and Marc both give funny looks at each other every so often because of how ridiculously cheesy the movie is and nearly burst out laughing every time.

You finish watching the movie and exit the cinema with Mark, he'd get a phone call, "Hello? Oh, hey mom... what? Oh! I'll be right there. Sorry ____ (insert name here) but I gotta go, seeya around though!"

You sadly sigh and decide to:

go to school late

Stab yourself and die

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

My Chemical Romance CD ,CD Player , Knife, Bookbag

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Emo
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