Adam: You follow the girls discreetly

From Create Your Own Story

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The sun peeking through the skyline burns your skin every time it touches it.

The girls go on tumbling around the streets. At some point you plan on abandoning your chase to hide in the sewers for the day but your prey finally decides to enter a building. You follow them hastily.

You fall in the hall as far away from the rays of the sun as you can. Your skin is burned on several spots and you smell like roasted chicken. The pain is unbearable, you faint.

The girls are long gone when you start recovering your senses. Your skin seems to have healed itself but you are so tired you can barely keep your eyes opened. You crawl towards the garbage room and fall asleep behind a container.

What seems ages later, you wake up. The door to the local has opened and somebody is throwing something heavy in one of the bins. Discreetly you peek to see one of the girls you followed this morning. She seems totally worn off by yesterday’s party. Her face is still covered in make-up but she seems to have slept in it.

Do you:

hide and wait for the night?

Or have her take you to her apartment so you can rest in better conditions and feed

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