ShapeShifter/Complete the transformation: Become a Pornstar!
From Create Your Own Story
You completely become the PornStar, and remove your clothing. Everyone is an awe, even the busdriver. Some are screaming, Others cheering! In the midst of all this, The bus-driver drives down the side of the road, into a brick wall! Everyone is thrown against the wall, and you accidentally think of being a rock, and you become one. You hit the wall, unharmed, but everyone else is dead. You change back to a pornstar and you can hear sirens! What do you do?!?!
ShapeShifter/Stay a Pornstar, seduce police.
ShapeShifter/Become yourself, tell them you are the only survivor!
ShapeShifter/Become a PornStar Fairy! Fly around them and seduce them!
ShapeShifter/Become a Bug, Scitter away!
ShapeShifter/Just because you can, Become an 8-Legged Tiny Woman and scitter away!