My Roommates / Make a run for it

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My Roommates: Freshman Year

You decide to make a run for it, frightened by how stern and harsh Ashley suddenly became. You turn around to exit through the door but suddenly your hair gets yanked hard from behind. Ashley had stood up and followed you not letting you leave.

Gasping out in pain as your hair is tugged hard you try and get away starting to get a little frightened. Suddenly Ashley grabs your hand and twists it behind your back causing you to cry out in pain. "Where do you think your going bitch? I said take off the outfit. I'm going to have to punish you now."

With that she twists you arm hard and drags you back to her chair where she sits down and forced you to lay over her knees. "Let me go!" You cry out, struggling in vain against her vice like grip on your arm.

"Shutup slut. Your going to learn to do what I say you ingrateful little shit." Ashley said with a growl, suddenly taking her hand off your hair and moving your skirt up. You gasp as she suddenly pulls the pantie section of the outfit up hard practically making it a thong giving you a huge wegie.

"What are you doing!?" You cry out starting to wonder what the hell she is doing. "Let me go!"

Then suddenly Ashley slaps your ass hard causing you to cry out in pain. "Fuck!" you scream out as she spanks you again hard. "What the fuck stop!" You scream.

But Ashley just twists your arm harder and spanks you even harder. "Shutup you little shit or i'll spank you harder."

Ashley spanks you hard and over and over again and each blow hurts more than the last. Your practically bare ass starts to turn red from the continual blows. Your cheeks heat up in embaressment at getting spanked as you try and not cry out in pain. Tears start to form in your eyes as Ashley is unrelenting spanking you harder and harder. Your ass feels like its on fire and you feel so humiliated! Finally you turn your head back as a single tear slides down your blushing face.

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