Lady Van Helsing/Enter the inner chambers

From Create Your Own Story

< Lady Van Helsing
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You step slowly into the tomb's inner chamber, especially cautious now as you enter the heart of this foul place. The chamber is carved from the same strange stone as the rest of the tomb, decorated with carvings of strange animal-headed men resembling the guardian you just faced. The chamber is nearly empty, having been looted by the explorers that first found the tomb.

The sole object remaining in the chamber is a massive throne, carved from the same rock as the walls. Completely immobile, it has resisted any attempt by robbers to remove it. Though at first you think the throne is empty, as you approach it you see that there is a figure seated in it, huddled in the recesses of the massive carving.

You step up to the throne, then let out a gasp as you recognize the figure as the strange woman who's visit has been the source of your current state! At first she seems to be sleeping, but as you draw near her head snaps up and she stares at you. Gone are the monstrous features that marred her form when you last saw her, but her beauty has not entirely returned. She seems haunted and emaciated. If she were human, you would say she was starving.

"Please," she gasps, as she tries to stand. Her legs fail to support her, and she collapses at your feet. "I need you. Do not deny me your love..." She grabs your dress, tugging on it until it tears in an attempt to stand. She grabs your leg and tries to pull herself up, her tongue reaching desperately for your womanhood, but she lacks the strength to reach it and falls once more to the floor. "I will give you the release you crave. The end to the curse. Please, help me." She stares into your eyes, her look full of hope and fear.

You consider what you should do. She is a monster, one of the creatures you have sworn to destroy. What's more, you hate her for what she has put you through, the defiling thoughts she has forced into your mind. But you cannot help feel a tiny spark of pity for the helpless creature you see before you.


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