Flip the coins. Penny: heads, Quarter: tails.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:03, 16 April 2010 by Barratboy (Talk | contribs)
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The penny comes up heads, the quarter comes up tails.

"Score!" the guy in the army camo shirt with the word PIG on it says. The other guys groan or curse, and the guy in the wifebeater gets up out of the booth, to let you out. You stand up, aware that your jeans are more than a little tight now. You can't believe you're doing this, but there's no denying it's getting you hard just to think about it. Your head spins a little as you stand - that Butt Sex is a powerful fucking drink, you think - but when the guy in the pig shirt gets out of the booth and starts walking you to the stairs, you don't object.

"Back in a bit, guys!" he calls over his shoulder.

He takes you down the stairs, and then down the hallway to where the bathrooms are. You wonder at first if he's going to take you into the bathroom, but instead, he passes them, pushing open the door marked exit and stepping outside. You follow him.

As you step through, you find yourself in a small, tight alley behind the bar, where two large garbage dumpsters are set, and the scent isn’t the greatest. The light from the street isn’t doing much here, but it’s a little brighter than the dimmed bar.

"Perfect place to fuck a dirty little whore," the pig says, and takes your shoulders, turning you around. He pushes you up against the brick wall of the bar, putting his lips to your ear. "You're just a dirty little whore, aren't you?"

Your dick throbs. "Yes," you say. The pig chuckles.

You hear him undoing his belt and jeans, and he says, "Show me your ass, whore." You push a little back from the wall, enough to undo your jeans and tug them and your underwear down, revealing your ass in the cool night air.

The pigs rough hands grab your cheeks. "Nice," he says. He fumbles with something, and then a cold liquid - lube, you realize - starts to spread itself down your crack. His fingers move up and down, spreading the liquid, and then another squirt follows, which he pushes into your hole with one long finger. The sensation makes you buck back against him. Your cock is rock hard in front of you, but you've braced yourself against the wall, and can't touch it.

"Eager little whore," the pig says, and then you feel the heat of his cockhead at your hole. He pushes forward, sliding his meat into you with one long shove, and you push against the brick wall until you feel the hair of his balls against your ass cheeks. You breathe out.

His hands take your waist, and he fucks you, quick and dirty, right there in the alley. Between each thrust, he grunts, saying "whore" or "slut" or swearing, and his thrusts and voice mingle into an erotic whole that has you grinding your ass back into his every shove. His hands grip tighter and tigher, and this thrusts grow stronger, and then finally, with a ragged cry, he blows his wad up your ass, spraying you deep inside with his cum. You grunt at the feel of the heat.

He pulls out once his dick stops throbbing, and tugs a rag from his back pocket, which he uses to clean off his dick. He tosses it to you, and you wipe at your ass, your dick still throbbing with the need for release.

The pig tugs up his jeans, and smiles at you. He takes your dick in his hand, which makes you grunt.

"We got a hotel," he says. "If you want, we could all take you back there and fuck you good. Or I could go home with you, and we could have fun. Or maybe you wanna go back inside, where there's an audience?" He grins at this last suggestion.

You say...

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