Cigarettes and Brandy?

From Create Your Own Story

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YOU: I like the brandy and the glowing cigar. Really highlights your silhouette. I've never seen anyone else smoke in this game.

THE ILLUSIVE MAN (Inhaling smoke): Oh, you wouldn't believe the trouble I had to go to for this cigar. This is the future, no-one's made them for centuries! I had to break into a frigging Antique Museum for this thing, and then again for a lighter. And don't get me started on trying to get a decent brandy delivered to the regions beyond uncharted space! It was tough, but worth it for the lung cancer. I just really wanted to get lung cancer that bad.

YOU: Well, it's given you a cool gravely voice.

THE ILLUSIVE MAN (Exhaling a smoke ring): Yeah, that's what I was going for.

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