Step on the circle

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 00:12, 2 March 2010 by JoeBloggs (Talk | contribs)

You gingerly step on to the CIRCLE, and jump as you are surrounded by CRAZY HOLOGRAPHIC LIGHTS. Man, they just love HOLOGRAMS in the future, don't they?

A HOLOGRAM of you shimmers into view in a BLACK OBSERVATION ROOM overlooking a DARK SUN. You can somehow see the room perfectly, through the magic of FUTURE TECHNOLOGY.

A SHADOWY MAN is sitting in a SWIVEL CHAIR facing away from you, SMOKING a CIGARETTE and SIPPING some DEVILISH COLD BRANDY. All you can see of him is A DARK CLAW. He suddenly swivels around to face you, CYBERNETIC EYES glowing.

THE ILLUSIVE MAN (Stroking a white cat): Commander Shepard, we meet at last. I've been expecting you. But this time, I have the upper hand. Choose your next words carefully, they may be your last. I'll make you an offer you can't refuse. It is inevitable. Say hello to my little friend. I'll be back. Ahem.

YOU (Grimly): The Illusive Man. Do you expect me to TALK?

THE ILLUSIVE MAN: uh... yes, actually, I do.

YOU: Oh. Ok, then. I was hoping we'd meet face to face.

THE ILLUSIVE MAN: A necessary precaution, for those who know what you and I know we know.

You say:


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