WAS: Offer to show her the palace

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Briefly sucking on her finger, you look back to her face and wink.

"Would your highness honor me by allowing me to show her my humble home?" you ask trying to sound as official as possible.

"The honor would be mine" the princess replies equally polite. However she looks into your eyes trying to see if this "tour" will entail anything of a more intimate nature. You make an effort not to show anything in your face. Any woman, even a princess would jump at the opportunity to bed a prince of the Seven Mountains. You truly see a potential wife for yourself in this woman and would honestly like to get to know her before taking her to your bed. If you do marry the girl, you are sure that your father would be pleased as this would strengthen the alliance with Ugarit.

"Very well, we shall begin in the throne room" you offer your hand, and the woman's delicate fingers gladly accept. She wraps her arm around yours and leans her head onto your shoulder very informally. You conclude that she feels very safe and secure in your arms because of how you saved her from the bandits. You in turn put an arm around her waist to which she barely audibly moans out. It seems things are moving along very well and you are pleased.

As the evening goes on you show the princess the entire palace, trying to spend as much time as possible with her. She truly is a wonderful woman. You have seen a couple of foreign princesses as well as some from the noble families here, but none compare to this one. She is quite intelligent, delightful to talk to, breathtaking physically, and best of all you sense that she already feels devoted to you. Having saved her from the raiders, she feels indebted to you. You learn that her name is Corinna and that she is 16 years old. By the way she conducts herself, she seems to be very moral and conservative and this only adds to her cuteness. You guess that she is still a virgin and that by the way she talks about her slaves back home, she most certainly has not been with a woman either. You hope to change all of this with time. As you get to know her, you find yourself falling for this girl more and more.

She seems entranced by you and constantly has a sense of awe and wonder. You decide to make your move. While it is extremely risky to bed a princess before marrying her, you now know that this will be one of your wives and feel that the sex will just be yet another way to get to know each other. At this point you are both very informal with each other and you begin to lay the groundwork. You discreetly order a servant to go up and tell the guards to leave the Corinna's apartments, saying that you will personally escort her up. After concluding a discussion about your fathers you ask her a question, the answer to which you already know.

"Would you like me to accompany to your room, Corinna? Perhaps we could continue getting to know each other in a more private manner..." you ask innocently while looking around and pointing out servants and courtesans alike which are constantly in and out of the halls. Corinna's eyes light up as she immediately understand the underlying meaning of your invitation.

"Of course Faust, I would like that very much" Corinna says enthusiastically while slightly licking her lips. The two of you get up and discreetly begin to walk up to the guest apartments so as to not attract too much attention. Upon entering the more private upper levels, Corinna grabs your hand and closes the proximity between the two of you. You take advantage of the situation and turn her towards you and go in for a kiss. The first kiss is always important and this one goes off flawlessly. You gently suck on her lower lip so as to not appear too aggressive the first time and release her. She in the meanwhile closed her eyes and accepted the kiss quite willingly. You resume to the apartments, although you proceed visibly faster, wanting to continue what you just began.

As you near the apartments, Corinna is pleasantly surprised that the guards are gone and she looks to you mischievously.

"You wouldn't know where the guards have gone would you?" She looks at you with a raised eyebrow.

"Me? No of course not." You reply with an innocent smile.

As you approach the doors, you recall that Lyna is in there. This will be interesting. You wonder how both women will react to each other. You hope that Corinna will be willing to accept Lyna in the bedroom. All women know about slavery in the bedroom. Perhaps if Lyna serves Corinna the same way she does Helena, the princess will grow more comfortable with the idea.

You open the door to the apartment and what do you see?

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