Spork - Party Member Info

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:17, 31 January 2010 by Kendo (Talk | contribs)
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You get party members as you progress through the game. You can fight alongside up to 4 other allies. Just like with your main character Billy, you can control all of your other party members.

ATTACK TARGETING: Label each party member with a number. When the enemy attacks, generate a random number between the number of characters you have in battle that can be hit this turn. Whatever number you get is the ally in your team the enemy attacks.

LEVELING UP/STAT GAINS: Information for these subjects can be found on the party member data page, which is on the page in which you find the party member. This details what they gain after leveling up, how much XP it takes for them to level up, any extra abilities they have, etc.

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