TPM: Yousa got an idea! Yousa suck yousa own dick!

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Yousa flopping tongue give yousa an idea. Yousa love getting blowjobs, why can't yousa get one from yousaself? Bending over as far as yousa can, yousa curl your hot gooey tongue around yousa's bulging member. Yousa moan at the pleasent sensation, but yousa not finished yet. Gathering up all yousa strength, yousa jerk yousa tongue back into your mouth at full force. Your head is drawn down sharply on top of the ridged penis with such force that with a sharp 'CRACK' yousa neck break, and yousa slump limply forward. Yousa can't feel your legs. Yousa can't feel your arms. Yousa can feel your boner in yousa mouth but yousa can't feel your boner. As yousa neck slips further forward, yousa cock slides past yousa tongue and down your throat. Yousa start to choke, but seeing as yousa paralyzed you can do nothing but suffocate on your own penis.

A few hours later, a pair of Jedi come passing by and find your slumped-over, cock-choked corpse. They shrug and move on, shaking their heads.

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