TPM: Yousa try and see if it'll give yousa a blowjob.

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Feeling adventurous yousa pull your goo covered cock from the raw red hole, and manuver around the front of the Shaak. Yousa's hands are slippery with excitement as you wrestle the animals mouth between your legs, and slip yousa's dick into its open mouth. Suddenly you feel an overwhelming stab of pain as the Shaak bites off yousa's cock with it's sharp horselike teeth. You scream in agony and roll on the ground, blood shooting in jet like spurts from your stump as the Shaak gallops panicked into the jungle. It doesn't take you long to bleed to death, pantless and bloodstained hands clenching your crotch. An hour later a pair of Jedi escaping an army of Trade Federation droids find a bloody orange cock a mile and a half away. They throw it away and keep running.

The End; Thanks for playing!
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