Enter the front door and find Mr. Johnson

From Create Your Own Story

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You start toward the front door with your knife bag in tow, excited to start laying down the law as the new boss... the boss of the kitchen. You know from many years in the biz that the kitchen controls all, so you're feeling on top of the world. Joe Johnson, who you've known for several years, is a spaced out dude and has his hands full with managing an entire corporation of area restaurants, plus he's very fond of the work you've done. Word is, though, that the restaurant manager here at Cardigans is a real beast of a woman. Not that you're worried.

Thankful that the doors are open and you don't look like a dipshit for trying to get in a locked entrance, you waltz on into the foyer of Cardigans. You check out the coat room to your left for a minute and hang your jacket up, taking note of the accommodating environment it could provide for a quick rendezvous with a sexy hostess later on, and then stroll into the dining room. As you pass the hostess station, you see that there's no one around right now, and you speculate there's only a few people in the building right now since it's only 8:15am.

Looking around, you notice the dining room is very big. There's a lot of sporting and recreational crap on the wall -- "flair" as the queerbag waiters like to call it. Your eyes quickly dart to the long, exquisite bar at one end, which is the hallmark of this place. The rails are ornate with a dark mahogany finish, and there's lots of top-shelf liquor along the wall. Nearby are a couple salad bar lines. The dining room is large; booths are in abundance and well padded, and the chairs at each table look comfortable. Toward the opposite wall, there's a mantle and fireplace in one corner with some comfortable recliners and a couch. Your "office" is located through two double doors behind the bar, and you hear some bullshitting going on back there.

Do you:

Wait around the dining room for Mr. Johnson Have a seat on the couch by the fireplace and relax for a minute Go check out the kitchen and see what's going on back there

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