Ask at Harold's

From Create Your Own Story

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You go back to Harold's, figuring someone there might know the whereabouts of Brooke. When you get there the place is deserted. The hut has been burned down and Harold lies in front of the wreckage with a giant split through his head. In the middle of his body is a small peice of paper:

             / \\
    "What we can't control, we destroy." 

is what the paper reads. You think that it was not just one person who did this but a tribe of people. You don't think much of this paper until a grenade lands near you. You roll out of the way thanks to your cat-like reflexes but you dont know where the grenade came from. The blast is enough to vaporize Harold's body into little blood puddles. Whoever is doing this knows who you are and that you were working for Harold... It must be those two girls! or someone else.

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