Agree to Gabriella's plan

From Create Your Own Story

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"Are you sure that would work?"

"Well, not sure, of course," Gabriella says, "But it's the best shot we might ever have."

Abel speaks up. "We'll all meet to discuss it tonight. Gabby and I'll tell everyone what's happening."

You retire to the hotel while Gabriella and Abel spread the news. Throughout the day, townspeople come to ask you questions like, "Are you really going to do this for us?" and to express their admiration for you. You're starting to feel pretty good about the whole thing.

In the evening, Gabriella takes you to the local church. It's absolutely packed. Abel's standing at the pulpit. He explains to the assembled mass that they're going to get you inside the doctor's castle, and you're going to open the doors from the inside, and then they're all going to get rid of the doctor and his perversions of nature once and for all. He's actually a very motivating speaker. You can feel your passions rising already. Some people object, but in the end, most people agree.

You hardly sleep that night. Alone by yourself, you realize that what you're doing could be really really dangerous. You resolve to carry through, though. After seeing so many people confirm Gabriella's and Abel's stories, you don't doubt that the doctor has to be stopped.

Next morning, Abel drives you up to the castle. "Good luck," He says.

You knock on the back door. Igor cracks it open. "Mith Parker! What a pleathure to thee you!"

"Igor, can I come in? My ride out of town isn't coming until tomorrow, so I was wondering if I can still take the doctor up on his offer for a tour."

Igor looks uneasily at Abel. "I'll have to athk the mathter. Wait here." He lets you in.

A few minutes later, Igor returns with Doctor Nicholae Kreuger. He is wearing his apron and gloves again. You think you see some fresh stains. He's grinning ear to ear. "Ah! Miss Melissa! Igor told me you wanted the tour after all!"

"Yes. I was wondering if you could show me the whole castle, and not just the labs."

He looks very pleased. The doctor talks incessantly as he shows you around the kitchen, armoury, library, and various other rooms. Now that you're actually listening, you catch such phrases as "Spark of life" and "Reanimation".

Finally, he stops at a nondescript door. "I've saved the best for last. This is my laboratory." He opens a door into an enormous, high ceiling room. You step in in wonder. There is a pair of huge generators dominating the far wall, and several shelves full of every chemical known to man. The rest of the space is full of workbenches and devices whose use you can only guess at. Two doors lead off the room to presumably more work area.

"So, this is where you work?" you ask.

"Yes", he says, walking into the space and gesturing about. "I conduct my research here. I've dedicated my life to it. I have a clean workroom over there" He gestures to one door, "and the freezer is over there." He indicates the other one.

"What are you working on now?" you ask

"I'll show you" He beacons you closer. One of of the tables, a sheet covers something lumpy. He pulls it back. It looks like a combination of a crocodile and a bear.

You gasp involuntarily. Nicholae doesn't seem to notice. "Beautiful, isn't it?" He says.

"I guess." You say, "Why do you make them?"

He gets excited again "I want to learn what makes every animal unique, and one way is to study how it interacts with being part another animal." He launches into another monologue about how this will advance science and change the world.

You interrupt. "What do you do when you're done with it?"

He shrugs. "Sometimes I reuse the parts. Other times I set them free."

"Set them free."

He looks at you like you're crazy. "Animals aren't meant to be cooped up."

"Of course they aren't." you agree.

He grabs you by the arms. "You understand, don't you? You understand why my work is important."

You can see the earnestness in his eyes, and you realize that he really doesn't realize what he's doing. You check your watch. Two more hours before the townspeople get here. "I think that what you're doing here is very unique. Why don't we go upstairs for drinks or something?"

"Wonderful idea!"

You listen to him for another hour. Finally, he leaves. You watch out a window. The clouds gather and darken. It's going to storm. Soon, you see the mob assembling below. It's bigger than the crowd in the church was yesterday. Some of them have guns. Others are wielding pitchforks, still others have torches. It's time to let them in, if you're going to.

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