Insist on leaving

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:20, 8 April 2009 by Rawar (Talk | contribs)

You really should be going.

"Thank you Nicholae, but no. You've been more than generous, but it's time for me to take my leave."

He nods slowly. "Very well. I'll have Igor bring you to the nearest town. Igor! Get the carriage ready, and get this woman's bags!"

You're curious about the carriage. It seems a rather archaic way to travel. "Don't you have a car?"

Nicholae laughs. "I do, but I don't keep it here. It's time consuming and expensive to keep an automobile in this part of the country, and I wish to spend my time in other endeavors. You don't need to repair horses often."

While you're still wondering what he meant by that, Igor appears. "Mith Parker, I'm ready."

Nicholae grasps your hand. "It was a pleasure to have you as my guest, Melissa. I hope we meet again."

The carriage is waiting around the back of the castle. From this direction, the castle looks bigger. A dirt road leads from the castle down and down into the adjacent valley. From up here, you can see a rather quaint town sprawled amongst farmland.

"Igor, is that where we're going?"

"Yeth, Mith. It'th called Catena. The town'th been here for centurieth, mothtly untouched by modern timeth."

"They'll have phone though, won't they? I need to call the office."

"I don't know, Mith."

You groan.

(To be continued)

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