Ask the guy if he's seen a pixie fly by

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:01, 24 December 2006 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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"Oh, sure, a pixie," the guy says. "I see pixies fly by all the time."

"Over there by the candle," you say, pointing at the bar. "She looks like a moth, but she's not. She's a pixie. She can grant wishes if you catch her."

"Okay, I'll go catch the moth for you," the guy says. "I mean the pixie. And then we'll go make some wishes. Okay?"

You can tell he's laughing at you, but he does go over to the bar and clap his hands together over the candle. Then he comes hurrying back over to you.

"Shit!" he says. "You weren't fucking with me! I got a pixie in my hands!"

"Don't squish me!" the pixie calls out from between his hands. "I'll grant you a wish! Please!"

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