Working in the Fields

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:17, 30 November 2008 by 1ifeblood (Talk | contribs)
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The blazing heat of the sun beats down upon you causing the sweat to drip from your forehead. You wipe the back of your hand across your brow, leaving a smeared streak of dirt behind. A gentle breeze caresses the soaked strands of hair on top of your head, giving you a bit of relief from the hard work you’ve endured all morning. Taking a deep breath, you stop your work for a moment to scan over the plowed field. You have managed to get most of it done and the ache in your callused hands is a testament to how hard you’ve had to work to do so. With a glance back to the farmhouse, your thoughts begin to swim about in your head. Father has probably returned from the hunt by now and mother is set to prepare lunch. You shift your gaze back to the nearly-finished field. I’m sure I could get this finished in a couple hours if a bear down and get it done. As a bead of sweat runs down the back of your neck, you look over to the grove of trees. I could sure go for a refreshing dip in the pond before lunch, I’ll have time to finish the field afterwards. You settle your gaze finally upon the plow sitting before you with a sense of reluctance. I have worked awfully hard today, it would be nice to go into town. The festival is in and I haven’t had the chance to go all week. I could always go after my work is done but then I’d miss the games. You take a moment to ponder your options.

You decide to:

Level 0 Equipment:

Torn Cloth Pants, Faded Cloth Shirt, Worn Hide Shoes

Health 10/10
Strength 10
Agility 10
Wits 10
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