Surrender and hope for the best

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:54, 8 August 2008 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

Before you can even start surrendering, the cave trolls plunge into your catapults and throw the debris at you and your men. The debris kills off another half of your men, leaving only a handful of soldiers left with you. Then the orc commander realizes tha you're the leader of the assualt and captures you alive. You're strapped onto a rack to be tortured to death. Next to your rack you see a greyish little creature being let go. The miserable creature says, "Please don't hurt the preciousss! Me want to see the precious!"

The End

Health 100 Equipment:

thumb-4296b16011bd6-Lord+Of+The+Rings.jpeg, 5_sm.jpg Iron%20chainmail.gif 233867_1.jpg

MP 0
Level 8
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