Robot (The Adventure Begins)

From Create Your Own Story

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Robo enters Maine and has a urge that needs to be put into action. He has a need to kill and will find some prey. All of his programing has fallen apart and he has no limits.

The first small town he comes apon is the city of Marigo. He enters the city with a glazed-over look on his eyes and no one notices him because he is built to look like a 24-year-old human male.

He sees a group of cars comming toward him on the road. The cars come to a complete stop because Robo is standing in the center of the lane. A man comes out of the car yelling at Robo. Robo responds by firing his machine guns at the man and all the other cars. The other drivers all hit the gas but just seem to hit each other as the machine gun fires upon them. One driver gets out and is instantly struck down, which shoots down anyone's chance escaping. The drivers stomach the fact that their short lives are about to come to an end, when Robo stops firing. The 2 remaining drivers look out their windows to see a RPG comming out of his shoulder.

The drivers' hearts drop to their feet when a missle comes out of the RPG and heads straight toward them. They scream until the end, and the echo is heard after.

By now a crowd has gathered, watching this disaster. A cloud of smoke wipes across Robo and the people are shocked to see that when the smoke clears, Robo is gone.

The End?

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