Toss in the jelly and scales

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 10:30, 28 July 2023 by Jason888 (Talk | contribs)

The polyjuice potion receives the new ingredients as it starts to make a rumbling sound. Harry waves his wand to whiffles the flowery scent into his nose. A bolt of lightning shoot through and up his backbone. Harry shakes from the tingling as the perplexing scents withdrew through his nose.

As Harry pick up the red hair from the desk, he heard movement coming from the hallway. The bathroom door shuts as Harry thought it is probably uncle Vernon or his cousin Dudley using the loo.

He moves back to his cauldron, ready to finish his potion. He drops the red hair into the polyjuice, making the insides turn from a greyish glob to bubbly ruby color.

Harry smile knowing Ginny would taste good as he pours a glass full. Harry bought the cup, fill with the ruby red polyjuice, to his lips. The polyjuice slides down his throat. He tasted a dish he loves from the Burrow that Molly Weasley has cook for him.

Does the polyjuice work well with the new ingredients?

No, it doesn't

It would have if not for a stray hair falling from Harry's head

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