UDX: Talk to the Bus Driver

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:19, 24 February 2023 by Cheeze225 (Talk | contribs)

The driver isn't much to look at but you were raised to be considerate so you choose to greet the middle aged man. "Thanks for driving me out here." You beam a dazzling smile at the older gentleman.
"It's not everyday a young lady asks me to drive her to an abandoned mountain lodge in the middle of the night." You recall the questionable tone of the man when you'd asked if his bus made a stop here at Blackwood Pines. You also recalled him eying you up and down before you'd even asked, and his eyes had been glued to you every chance they got since you sat down. Maybe it was just the porn you watched on the way here but you were positively horny, horny enough that during the ride you considered flashing him what was under your skirt once or twice. You bite your lip as the bus driver adjusts his belt, it gives you something of an idea...

Be adventurous, suck his dick

Be considerate, ask if he wants a blowjob

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