VRX 9000: Sex Games / Random Twist (12112).

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

Random Adventures - Pixie's Punishment

Part 6: The Twist - Part 1


The Story:

You cuddle and end up napping with Eva and eventually wake up feeling quite happy and comfortable. Eva has already gotten up and is once more walking around in just a thong and and tiny black tank top with just thin straps at the shoulder that doesn't come down very far past her breasts if at all. You could get used to waking up to that sight. God, that ass. Eva notices you are up and just gives you a wink after catching you staring at her ass and just keeps walking around making sure everything in the cabin is just right. Eventually she walks over to one of the drawers and starts to take out some clothing. "Hungry?" She asks taking a quick glance at you over her shoulder catching you staring at her ass again giving you a smile.

Blushing at being caught not once, but twice, you nod a little sheepishly. "Yes, mistress." In fact, you are starving after all of that sex and fun on the ride over. It's been forever since you've eaten last, especially with the nap. You do feel quite refreshed.

"Good. We are expecting guests." She says then walks into the bathroom putting down some clothes on the counter. "Clean up then put these on. I want you greeting our guest looking like the cute little sex toy you are." She says with a devious smile walking back out.

"Yes, mistress." You say giving her a big grin in return then slowly stretch loving that she is checking you out in return and walk over to the bathroom making sure your hips swing and she gets a good view of her ass. You hear her laugh lightly as you close the door. You find that the outfit isn't a normal outfit, your mistress had meant what she said. No one but a sex toy would wear this. For starters there are no underwear or bras present. She plans on keeping you without the whole trip it seems. The first thing you put on are the fishnets which come up to your waist with large enough holes for easy access if the situation requires. You get a strong feeling that the situation will require it. After that you pull the tiniest little pink and black school-girl plaid skirt that feels like half of your ass is sticking out the back. Checking yourself in the mirror you find that thought to be nearly accurate. You blush a bit realizing that with no panties anything besides standing straight will likely give people a view of your goods. You are pretty short, so you have that going for you as taller people won't see as well, but Eva is short like you and you'll be flashing her constantly in this gitup.

One in that you put on the top if you can call it that. Its the typical sexy school girl outfit, white and covering your shoulders pulled down over your breasts to tie off at the front. It shows a lot of cleavage, although you don't have too much to show. Still, it shows off what you do have pretty well. You take some hairbands and realize she wants you in pigtails. Your hair isn't quite long enough to do that normally, but you have enough to get two tiny pigtails on either side sticking up. Some makeup is laid out and you put it on too. With the glossy purple lipstick and dark eyeliner you like like the sex toy. Well, you suppose you are one at this point. And that is just fine with you. Last but not least you put on some black heels that do a fair job of making you stick out your ass. There will be no hiding it now, but you will be able to cover up in front slightly better now.

Finally you step out and Eva gives a big grin upon seeing you. You show off a bit, turning around and giving her a big smile unable to stop yourself giving a nervous blush wanting to impress her. Eva claps her hands and gives you a hard look over. "Perfect." She says then checks her phone. "It'll be about twenty minutes until our guest arrives. Until then I want you over here sorting through this bag. I want a pile of items you'd enjoy, it's you do not want used on you, and items in between. I want balanced pile, so you might have to make some interesting choices." Eva says guiding you over to a small, long table against a wall with a bag of what looks like bondage equipment and sex toys next to it. "Get to work." Eva says giving you a nice slap on the ass with a grin then walks over to turn on the TV and plop down on the couch.

Blushing and smiling back at her you focus on your task, wondering who will be arriving. You start to sort through the gear and quickly realize you've never used the majority of the items. Maybe none of them. These are some serious bondage toys. You blush a bit at some and pale at others. Fuck, hopefully she won't use the ones you put in the 'no' pile. Or maybe she'll punish you with those if you are bad. As you put a few items in that pile you promise yourself you will be quite good for Eva as you very much do not want these used on you. Items that end up in that pile are things like a thick cock gag that looks like it can shoot fake cum on a timer, another is a massive studded paddle, while yet another is a scary looking full black leather bodysuit complete with gimp mask. You shiver just thinking of being restrained in that thing. In the good pile are most of the sex toys and a few fun looking items like panties with two vibrators attached inside, some feathers, and some kind of suction pump that you guess is meant for your tits or maybe your pussy.

You end up pretty black and white when it comes to the items, either completely down to try them or not wanting to try them at all so the middle pile is a bit tougher. You first seperate everything into the two piles then take turns putting things into the middle pile from each. Unfortunately the 'no' pile is bigger so you have to take more things from there. Items here include things like a pig snout for your face, a small whip with tassles, and a gag with chains with clamps meant to go on your nipples attached. These things you don't want to use, but they aren't quite as bad as the others. You barely finish in time when someone suddenly knocks on the door.

Eva quickly gets up from the couch with a big grin and walks over to you. She takes a quick glance at the pile then gives you a knowing look before walking you to the door. "I've ordered us pizza." Eva says with a wicked grin making your eyes light up. "And you are going to answer the door and seduce whoever it is. They have a lot of hot delivery girls so I'm hoping it's Emma or Kacy." She then peeks through the peephole and smiles eagerly. "It's Kacy." She then turns to you as you stand there shifting nervously as the pit in your stomach grows. Seduce a pizza delivery girl? Fuck. "You are to try and have sex with her, and you get bonus points if you get her to take the role of mistress. I'd do your best if I were you." Eva says glancing at your 'no' pile before walking over and closing herself into the closet of all things.

You stare dumbfounded at the closet then jump slightly as Kacy knocks again. Shifting nervously you step up and close your eyes, taking a moment to calm yourself, then open the door with a smile.

"Pizza delivery!" Kacy says as soon as the door opens and gives you a full smile but her face quickly turns to wide eyed and blushes slightly as she looks over you in your outfit. You do the same at her. This woman is gorgeous! A little bit taller than you, blonde, and with a body to die for. She obviously works out with a very shapely figure and some rather busty breasts besides. They might be fake but you've never cared. Her makeup is on point and with her ponytail pulled back through the back of her pizza service hat she is stunning without being the least bit revealing in black tight jeans and a regular button up shirt with another shirt underneath due to the mountain cold.

Trying to stop from staring you give her your most winning smile, biting your lip seductively while not breaking eye contact. You have picked up women in a bar before. You can do this. "Hey!" You say with a friendly tone. "I'm Pixie." You say taking the pizza from her.

"I'm Kacy." The hot blonde says blushing slightly. Yeah, she just looked down at your fishnet thighs. That's a good sign.

"Ah fuck." You say quickly handing the pizza back to Kacy. "I... just did my nails." You say suddenly coming up with a plan. "Mind carrying this in for me? I swear I won't bite." You say, then look her up and down again. "Unless you want me to." You say finishing your korny pick-up line.

Kacy blushes but smiles too and steps into the cabin looking around. "Fair enough." She says finding her words after being so startled seeing you dressed like that. "Nice place." She says then looks for a place to put the pizza down. She pauses at the table full of bondage gear you just sorted and goes wide eyed but pretends to ignore it and looks around feeling a bit lost. "Where... do you want the pizza?" She asks a little taken aback.

"Oh, the bed will do." You say confidently, turning to lead her there knowing she is getting an incredible view of your ass. Maybe even your naked cunt, you aren't sure. You think so by how red she is when she puts the pizza down on the bed and looks around a bit.

"So, you going to eat this all by yourself?" She asks, inquiring as she feels out the situation. Yes, you've done this song and dance before. Not much, but enough to recognize it.

You grin, sitting on the edge of the bed moving the pizza to the side and lean back looking her over again before keeping her eyes locked on yours. "Just me, although I'd love some company. I'm not sure I can manage by myself." You say patting the bed next to you. "You... have any more deliveries?" You ask, trying to convince her.

Shaking her head slowly Kacy slowly sits down next to you. "Nah, it's slow as fuck today." She says. "I suppose they won't miss me..." She says unsure, looking to you.

Perfect. You reach out and idly put your hand on her thigh. "Great, looks like I've got myself a hot pizza and a hot delivery girl all to myself." You say leaning towards her a bit.

"I guess so." Kacy says, confidence finally coming forward as you've made it quite plain what you want finally and she was unsure. She doesn't take move your hand away and gets more comfortable. "I'll warn you thought, while the pizza might be hot, I'm a lot hotter. Think you can handle it?" She says seductively leaning back letting her impressive chest shake lightly from side to side from the movement.

You think you hear a laugh from the closet, almost rolling your eyes, but thankfully Kacy just thinks it's from the TV. "I can manage." You say with your own sly, confident smile then stand up just to kneel in front of her next to the bed. "But I prefer to be managed. Hard." You say, looking up at her surprised, but eager look down at you. "I'd pay a good tip to a good mistress." You say, just to be completely clear.

That seems to throw Kacy off, but only for a moment. God she is so fucking hot, especially with that light blush and confident smile. She bites her lip this time, looking around the room a bit as if considering it. "Fine, but I better get a fucking big tip." She finally decides making you both laugh. "Feet, Pixie-slave." She addresses you, assuming the cold, stern role of a mistress. "Shoes off." She commands leaning back on the bed more to raise her feet in front of you.

"Yes, mistress." You say, blushing a bit but smiling all the same. Fuck, this is actually working. What kind of delivery girls do they hire at this pizza place? Knowing Eva ordered from them, they might just be known for stuff like this.

You focus and get her shoes and socks off are are surprised when Kacy keeps her feet out in front of you. "Service my feet, Pixie, and beg for me to dominate you like the little slut you are. What kind of woman asks a pizza delivery girl to use her?" Kacy says, brimming with cool confidence now that things have started to develop. It's so fucking hot you can hardly stand it.

Still, you blush at having to service her feet. You did just earlier with Eva so you guess you can do it again. You are just not used to it. You didn't realize so many people were into that sort of thing. You had certainly never considered it before. You slowly take one of Kacy's toes between your lips and suck on it, then move to the other toes sometimes taking a few at once. Kacy seems to enjoy it and eventually keeps eye contact with you as you suck on her toes and run your tongue between them, blushing but not backing down from the challenge. She eventually presents the bottom of her feet to run your tongue along over and over before she has you suck on as many toes at once as you can. You blush, surprised you can fit the entire front of her foot in your mouth, and suck on it as she slowly brings it back and forth. When she finally pulls away you are a little disgruntled when she simply puts her other foot in your face but you service it as well.

Once you are done Kacy grins, sitting up to run a hand through your hair delicately making you blush a bit and actually get a little nervous. What is she going to do next? She stands up then, looking down at you kneeling in front of her. "Strip, and get on the bed. As hot as that little gitup is I'd prefer you naked. Keep the fishnets." She says then steps away. "And find a collar." She adds as she starts to scope the place out a bit. You blush deeply but comply, stripping out of your heels then your tiny little skirt you might not have even been wearing then your white top freeing your breasts. You saw Eva put a collar in the nightstand so you take that out and fasten it around your neck. Damn, if you knew it was this easy to get a mistress you'd have hit on every delivery girl you've ever run into. Fuck going to bars and clubs like you are used to.

Eventually you crawl onto the bed naked but for the collar and fishnets and turn to see Kacy going through some of the bondage gear in another pile from the ones you made. Eva sure has a lot of it. She glances back to see you have done what she asked then slowly strips, taking her time and folding her clothing to put on the kitchen counter next to her. Her breasts are incredible, likely fake but fuck are they good ones. They are massive, busty, and firm and with her slightly tan skin, with them being a shade paler, they stand out perfectly. She gets out of her tight black jeans revealing one hell of a body. Her legs are long and shapely with some well shaped and toned thighs and ass. Not as big as you'd normally enjoy but the shape more than makes up for it. Fuck, why is this women delivering pizza? You start to wonder if she is actually a pizza delivery girl or if Eva set this all up.

Kacy puts on a black garter belt then a matching corset that lifts her already firm tits, her garter belt perfectly framing her hot cunt with just a small square of blonde trimmed fuzz above it. She picks up a crop too then slowly walks over to you and damn do her hips swap as she walks. You wish you got a view from behind, but your view from the front is godly too. She slides onto the bed with you then sits with her back to the headboard. "Over my lap, Pixie." She says with a no-nonsense command. You quickly do as she commands and lay over her lap sticking your ass up slightly and bite your lip with a blush as her hands slowly trail over your body getting to know it. "Did you beg to be dominated like I asked?" She asks making you freeze suddenly. "I certainly don't remember any begging." She chides coldly.

Fuck! "No, mistress." You say dejectedly. You had been too focused on how hot she was and how to service her feet and had completely missed that part.

"I'll give you another chance while I punish you. If you don't do a good job I'm leaving." Kacy says then slaps your ass cheek hard making it jump. "Count, and beg." She commands.

"One!" You say, wincing a bit. She definitely works out with a slap like that. There is some muscle in her arm. "Please dominate this poor little slut." You say, biting your lip a bit as her other hand trails under to slowly press against your pussy. God that feels good. She slaps your ass hard again with the other hand, your other cheek this time, and you gasp. Fuck, a lot of muscle. "Two." You say, wincing again. "Please punish this pussy. I'll be a good little slut." You beg. SLAP! This time on the same cheek really making it jump. Fuck that hurts! You stop yourself from massaging your already stinging ass. She sure isn't holding back. "Three." You say after a bit, then gasp softly as she starts rubbing your pussy. "Spank me and play with me. My body is yours mistress." You beg. SLAP SLAP SLAP! She starts spanking you again and again making you grit your teeth hard and just cry out numberes. "Four! Five, six, seven, eight! ARGHH!! Nine! FUCK!!! Ten!" You scream at the end as she really puts her arm into her spanking making you ass jump again and again as she turns it red. It burns like crazy and you can't help but writhe in pain in her lap, biting down and to your surprise moaning as she keeps rubbing your pussy with her other hand. "Pleaes let me be your dirty little sub tonight." You beg.

Kacy finishes, then frowns down at you then pushes you off of her laps. "Eat me out pet, we'll see if you are worth my time." She demands with a stern look. Fuck, you'd think she had done this before. If it wasn't for her constant curious look at the gear around the house you'd be convinced she had. She is just a quick learner or perfect for the part.

Not stalling at all you quickly crawl down between her legs and start to run your tongue up and down her super hot slit. You blush a bit realizing she is wet already. You keep eye constact and she wraps one leg around her head pinning it there as you look up at her, tongue working like the dirty slut you are. "Ass up. I'm not done with it." Kacy commands. You do so, then cry out when she brings the crop down on it hard. "Keep going." She says, looking down as you stopped for a moment but quickly get back to eating out her perfect blonde cunt. "You wanted to be dominated, right?" She says, then crops your already stinging ass again. You nod as you keep eating her out, keeping eye contact.

The two of you continue like that until you finish her, Kacy cropping your raised ass as you squirm and writhe under the blows, you ass really stinging from being punished so much, and you crying out but not stopping for a moment as you eat out her now sopping wet cunt. You must be doing something right as her hot, soft feminine gasps of pleasure turn you on like crazy. Eventually she stops cropping you and just grips you by your tiny ponytails and holds you there grinding her hot athletic hips against your face and tongue until she cums, crying out and breathing hard. You do your best to keep licking then clean her up after.

To your dismay she then gets up and walks over to put her clothing back on. "I'm not convinced." She says cooly making you blush deeply in humiliation. Did you not do a good job? Fuck, fuck fuck! You are more dissapointed in yourself than you are worried about having to use the items in the 'no' pile for failing. Fuck! You just sit there dejected as she ignores you and gets dressed. She then looks at you expectantly. "Really? No word of protest?" She asks annoyed.

You jump up, eyes wide. Fuck!!! "Please... I'll..." You start but she cuts you off.

"You need to work on your begging, but I do like that tongue and your squealing when I spank you." Kacy cuts in. "Phone?" She asks. You panic for a bit, freezing not knowing where Eva put it. Kacy just sighs then writes her number on a paper towel tearing it off and leaving it on the counter. "Text me. I kind of like the idea of having a sub, but work on that begging." She says then walks out closing the door behind her.

Eva immediately comes out when you lock the door behind her with a smile on her face. "Got it all on video." She says triumphantly then gives you that confident smile. "You did well, but I've got a lot more to teach you it seems. Kneel by the bed while I get your punishment ready." She says then gets to work dragging stuff out. You go over and kneel dejected watching the closed door with dissapointment. Damn it all, and she was so hot! You've never been so annoyed. You've failed with Eva on your online sessions before and got punished, but she has never just left you after you failed. Somehow that hurts more.

You are lost in your thoughts as you kneel in your taught position, back straight with arms crossed at the forearm behind you that you look up in surprise when you notice a large wooden pony drug out into the middle of the room with a padded point at the top. Your eyes go wide and you gape. You've seen plenty of bondage porn with this thing but you've never done it. It always seemed hot but the idea of sitting on it yourself suddenly makes you very nervous.

Eva can see your hesitation and worry and walks over with a grin. "I have to get you used to it at some point." She says soothingly then reveals a black latex sleeve. "Now stay still, I don't want to hear a word out of you until you are all set up. If I even let you talk then." She says with a large grin making you pale nervously. She gets the sleeve up your arms and secures it around your shoulders before strapping it nice and tight. Your arms are not going anywhere. She takes off your collar that you got earlier then gets out a full face harness gag making you blush. She shoves the gag between your lips then pulls the staps around your head tightening it quite tight. You won't be speaking anytime soon after all. She grabs you then and pulls up a small step ladder and has you climb onto the wooden horse. You groan as she makes you put a leg over it then pushes you down. The padded center is pressed firmly on your cunt and your whole body weight is pressed down on it.

You immediately give a muffled cry of alarm as she pulls the step ladder away and you fall down on top of the thing. You grunt, this hurts! And she is going to leave you like this? But Eva is far from done. She starts working some hooks and rope on the ceiling that you spotted earlier and dips some down to tie along the end of your sleeve. She pulls that up tightly to where you have to bent forward in a painful arc on the wooden horse, grunting in effort to endure it as your arms don't really bend that far. You scramble to get your legs under you not to endure the pain of the wooden horse pressing hard on your cunt but Eva deals with that next. Instead of helping she pulls black leather cuffs around your ankles, thigh, and above and below your knee just like you did in the van pinning your legs apart and unable to move before securing them to the side of the horse. You groan give a small, scared sob as your weight rests on the wooden pony.

Eva gives you an understanding look at that putting a hand soothingly on your cheek. "Don't worry Pixie, you'll get used to it. Being my slave will require tough bondage often, and you do want to be my slave, right?" She says raising an eyebrow. You are in pain but you nod slowly. You do, and you have wanted to go further with bondage in the past. God, you guess you can endure this pain? Thinking positively makes it a bit better.

Yet Eva isn't done yet and gets out a nasty metal hook and coats the end with lube before tying some rope on the end. She ties the rope to the back of your gag harness then pulls your head back and starts to work the hook up your ass. You groan and strain, stretched and hurting as she works that hook up your ass far enough to hold you and give a long, annoyed grunt when she is done, the hook painfully up your ass holding your head back painfully as well. Tugging on your head one way or another is a literal pain in the ass now. Forced to look straight forward and slightly up you tense your muscles, struggling in such tough bondage. Eva applies metal clamps to your nipples with a bar connecting them making you give another small sob at the pain, especially when she lets go of the bar and lets its weight tug on your nipples.

"Almost done Pixie, you are doing so well!" Eva soothes, bliding a black leather blindfold over your eyes making you tear up a bit. Your arms hurt from being pulled back like this and your ass hurts with the thick hook shoved up it. Your head heads pulled back to firmly and your cunt really hurts pressed down relentlessly on the top of the pony with your weight pressing down on it. How long can you endure this? You suddenly give a muffled gasp as something vibrating firmly presses against your cunt from behind. You gasp and starts to squirm from side to side as Eva presses the bulb vibrator more firmly against your cunt. "Take it Pixie, be a good little slut. It's not like you are getting away." Eva chides with a laugh not letting you escape the intense vibrations.

Before you know it you are bucking on the wooden pony in pleasure, the vibrator forcing waves of pleasure over your tortured cunt as you groan in your bondage. The pleasure mixes with the constant, endured pain and you find you have quite a hot orgasm squirming on top of the wooden horse. Unfortunately your punishment is far from over. Eva doesn't let up with the bulb vibrator for some time, although she does switch to your front and uses it on your nipples when you need a break. She also unfortunately pairs it with a switch and hot, searing, and very painful red lines start to appear all over your aching ass and tits while you endure the forced pleasure from the vibrator. You endure the bondage for some time, Eva taking a break just leaving you there just to return and make you cum a few more times. You must have been up there for hours by the time you are collapsed, breathing hard and covered in sweat on top of the wooden horse. Finally, Eva removes the hook from your ass and undoes the harness around your head, ungagging you as you pant, exhausted.

She runs her hands through your hair lovingly and then presses her lips against yours, the two of you making out slowly and passionately for a few moments before she pulls away with you able to taste her smile. "Now, should I call our little friend Kacy and make you try your luck at begging again? Or should I give you another hour on the pony?" Eva says, watching you struggle as she puts your weight on you. "Hmm..." She says as if thinking it over. "I think I'll consider while getting the same treatment Kacy got. I did get a little jealous you know." Eva says then thankfully starts to let you down. Before you know it you end up restrained tightly in a line laid on the bed between Eva's legs eating out her amazing pussy while still blindfolded, in the sleeve, with an open-ring gag letting just your tongue do the work. Exhausted but determined you try to make Eva's next orders ones you'll like.


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