Furry World/Male Raccoon/Tunnel 2-2: Attack the giant wolves

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You glance to Tara, and she nods back to you. You suddenly spring forward off the giant wolf's hand, flying across to land on her soft chest. You quickly pull out your dagger and try to stab her, but it just glances off, her skin too thick and tough. You try again, but as you pull back, you receive a harsh blow to the back, knocking the wind out of you and causing you to drop your dagger. You hear it hit the ground and snap its blade.

The hand that hit you grabs you and picks you back up, squeezing you tight. Sevrita brings you back up to her eye level, a fierce look in her expression. "Bad move, you little runt! We were going to treat you nice and let you go, but now..." She glances to her mate, then gives you a malicious grin. "I think you've just invited yourselves for dinner."

The wolf hands Tara to Jamal, who immediately tears the cat's clothing off of her body. Sevrita does the same thing to you, using her huge but sharp claw to shred your garments easily. Once you're naked, she holds you tight again and says, "Any last words?"

You struggle in vain. You can hardly breathe, let alone speak. The wolf grins. "I didn't think so."

She brings you up to her mouth, opening it wide to let you see all her teeth. She inserts you feet first over her large, warm, wet tongue, taking her time to savor your taste. Inch by inch, she takes your body into her maw, until your head is behind her teeth. She closes them down most of the way, leaving just enough room for you to see back out of her mouth.

Her tongue rolls and squishes all around you, soaking your fur in her saliva and paying particular attention to your cock and your rump. But she keeps you looking out of your cage to watch what Jamal is doing.

Jamal is stuffing Tara into his mouth head-first, tilting his head back and holding her by her ankles so that she slides down his tongue. He slowly takes her further into his mouth until he lets go of her feet, and she slides the rest of the way inside. You can only watch as you see him close his mouth around her, spend a moment with her inside, and then swallow her whole. You watch as the bulge of her body travels visibly down his throat until it disappears from view.

Then the giant male looks at you. "Goodbye, little raccoon." With that, your captor closes her lips, pushes you against the roof of her mouth with her tongue, then bites down, easily crushing your ribs and snapping your bones. She chews you slowly and painfully, then you feel yourself sliding into a narrow passageway that pulls you further into her body.

Luckily for you, your life force slips away before you hit the bottom.

Furry Status (Shadow)
Health DEAD Equipment:


Gender Male
Species Raccoon

Furry Status (Tara)
Health DEAD Equipment:


Gender Female
Species Cat
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