Furry World/Male Raccoon/Tunnel 2-1: The tentacles have their way with Tara

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You feel another pair of tentacles wrapping around your own legs, squeezing them tighter and pulling them just a bit further apart. It hurts, and you start to wonder if the creature is going to rip you apart. But it stops there, just continuing to make you watch.

More tentacles slither their way around each of Tara's arms and legs, almost completely hiding them in spirals of vine flesh, and showing off their complete dominance of the cat. Another tentacle loops loosely around her neck, cinching up just enough to warn her, but not enough to cut off any air.

And now, the two tentacles teasing her nether regions push themselves inside, stretching each of her holes obscenely wide. She grits her teeth and grunts, trying her best to resist those invaders, but they are too strong and easily overpower her. The one slides all the way inside her pussy and then begins to pull back out, only to push back in again, settling into a regular rhythm of pistoning in and out of her. The one in her tailhole slides slowly further and further inside, taking its time to claim her there.

The tentacles at her tits start to squeeze them more tightly, making her nipples stand out hard toward you.

Tara groans, "I don't want to be used this way. Please let me go." But the rafflesia appears to have other plans. You notice a rather large bulge starting to travel upward through the tentacle in her pussy, which has stopped its fucking and is now wiggling against her. You then see the tentacle surge into her just a bit, with Tara sucking in a sharp breath, evidence that the invader has just worked its way into her womb. The bulge gets closer, and closer...

Tara notices the bulge now and whimpers. "Oh no! It's a seed! It's going to plant that thing inside me!" She struggles again, and the tentacle around her throat tightens a bit, threatening to choke her. She stops, and it loosens. But the bulge continues its trek toward her, eventually reaching her entrance. She twitches again and says, "It's putting it in! I can't..." The bulge stretches her lips further apart, pausing for a moment as it pushes against them, then it suddenly plunges inside, her vulva closing around the tentacle again. Another few seconds go by, and then Tara cringes and bucks, the seed having completed its journey into her body.

More bulges are coming toward her now in both tentacles. They seem to come almost leisurely toward her, each one easily stretching her entrances and pushing inside. The tentacle in her ass has wormed its way very deep inside her now, at least a foot, and it begins to deposit the plant's seeds in there too. Tara bucks with each one, but otherwise still can't do anything. And you are still bound helplessly, completely unable to move.

Furry Status (Shadow)
Health 60 Equipment:


Gender Male
Species Raccoon

Furry Status (Tara)
Health 50 Equipment:


Gender Female
Species Cat
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